... a time when I, the professional professional wrestling fan, get to choose what matches and stipulations I want to see. Would I like to see 'The Legend Killer' defend the WWE Championship against the 'Heart-Break Kid,' or perhaps 'The Rainbow-Haired Warrior,' or even Mr. Kennedy? It's my choice to choose.
I make it sound much more interesting than it actually is. It's like voting for the President. It's pretty obvious who is going to win and your vote doesn't really count. I voted for Mr. Kennedy. Why? Because Shawn Michaels is old and Jeff Hardy needs a little more prepping before he is a main event guy. Mr. Kennedy isn't exactly a main event guy either, but he's pretty close and he is always working a good match... always. Of course, everybody wanted to see Shawn Michaels wrestle Randy Orton. The finish was lame... and I'm noticing allot of lame count out/disqualification finishes over the last 4 or 5 PPVs.
In actuality, Cyber Sunday is not a special time. It's a waste of time... and it's a waste of money. However, the Kidd and myself are compelled and obligated to view each and every PPV in order to keep you, the loyal fans and readers of Outside Interference, up to date on the happenings of Professional Wrestling and Sports Entertainment.
We wanted to see Chris Jericho return. I was suspicious about the countdown I previously posted about, but I had to take the chance. It would have been a brilliant build-up to his return. Y2J with a secret website counting down to his 2nd Coming at Cyber Sunday. The whole thing would have been very... 'computery.' (By the way, I have trademarked the term 'computery' and I own it. If someone wants to use it, I must get paid.)
The Batista/Undertaker match was pretty good... not excellent, not stellar, not super-duper... but above average. It was definitely NOT as good as the hype surrounding it... but rarely do matches live up to the hype in the WWE anymore. The Ken Kennedy/Jeff Hardy match was pretty good also... just pretty good. The best match of the night was hands down Triple H/Umaga. I like Umaga. Normally I hate 'monster heels,' and I really don't like Umaga's whole image, but I think he works a good match and he's not afraid to take any bumps. He's going to have a long career - barring any serious injury - and, although he'll never be a top guy in a promotion, he'll always be in the upper-echelon... sort of like Kane. Heck, I would go so far as to say that Umaga is 'the next Kane.' Actually, it would be pretty cool if good ol' J.R. started calling him that. Maybe Lillian Garcia could introduce him like that also.
'Making his way down to the ring... from the isle of Samoa... 'The Next Kane,' Umaga...'
Maybe it won't work... but it's better than 'The Rainbow-Haired Warrior' by gum.
So, two things before I sign off...
1. Chris Jericho should return on RAW tonight. The video promo says 'save_us.x29.' With X being the roman numeral for 10, and 10 meaning the 10th month of the year, and the 10th month of the year being October, October being this month, and the 29 meaning the 29th day of October, and today being the 29th, I am assuming he shows up tonight. If he doesn't, I'm giving up on seeing him anytime soon. I refuse to get my hopes up anymore.
2. I hate bashing the WWE. I really do. It is a promotion that has brought me years and years of entertainment. I grew up watching it and I refused to grow up because of it. I love it. I admit I will bash it once in awhile, much like I did in this blog. However, I am going to go out on a positive note concerning Vince McMahon and his promotion. I will list them...
Ken Kennedy: He is an entertaining wrestler with both promos and in-ring ability. He has a bright future.
Jeff Hardy: The more I think about it, the more he appears to be the next Shawn Michaels. Look for him to receive a gigantic push and as of now I'd make him the favorite to win the Royal Rumble.
Umaga: See above.
John Cena: Love him or hate him... I personally don't mind him, but I don't like his being the top guy... he is the top guy. The fans love him for the most part. Now, if you hate him, you're most likely a well-educated pro-wrestling fan. If you love him, you're probably a 'mark.' But, it is good to have a charismatic top guy. He sells and somebody that sells is good for the pro-wrestling industry. It keeps it all going. I'll wager that ratings go down for the duration of his injury and absence. He's young, he's strong, he has great microphone skills, he has the look, and he's charismatic. Whatever! The point of this blog isn't to argue John Cena. You can hate him and I won't defend it. My point is that he is good for business.
I totally went off the subject. The subject was Cyber Sunday. Overall, it sucked and was disappointing. It was nothing special.
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
Cyber Sunday Recap; if i knew then, what i know now...
...perhaps i would have checked online results periodically.
I would go match by match offering individual reviews but lets face it, i for one have invested enough time in wwe's latest ppv by watching the damn thing.
The online countdown that was eluded to this time yesterday by my partner sean, regarding the saveus222 promos, and leading to cyber sunday was an apparent hoax; or, an elaborate countdown to 10:30pm, depending on how you choose to look at it. I hopefully, yet naively bought right into the countdown hook line and sinker, i will admit that. But my god the Jericho speculation that began months ago and has since associated itself with the saveus/savior promos are killing me and i know im not alone in this. Like, DoIt! Push the button!! For christ sake i've waited for months patiently with my "go Jericho go" sneakers on the metaphoric shoe rack just waiting to slip em on and walk around.
Alright, I've made my point, back to the review: NoJericho, thumbs down. Sorry, i know its harsh but it's my blog and i'll say what i want. Besides if wwe and it's 'Superstars' had given me a REAL show to watch (like something special, i don't know) my mind would have wandered naturally in aww and amazement. Nowadays thats virtually impossible.
Regarding the votable aspects of the show, the results of every poll were all totally predictable and made all of wwes bookings leading into the ppv come full circle way too conviently. This leads me to believe that either (a)wwe is too good at brainwashing the little kids and all other novice wrestling fans who make up most of the voting polls with their repeat votes on these types of shows, or (b) the obvious, the polls really are not a factor; wwe does it's own thing like usual while claiming otherwise. That's right, I trust vince and co. not at all to honor what they promote.
Furthermore, if i could say one thing to the superstars that performed at last nights cyber sunday, purely from a spectator standpoint, it would be the following: There is no one wrestler, or style of wrestling, or combination of size and style that works NEARLY as well as it could if every competitor in ANY given match is not trying their absolute HARDEST to make it so. For ppv, let alone television let alone merely an arena full of screaming fans, if you(wrestler) are not willing to try your very hardest to entertain with a great match, it might not hurt to rethink the career path which you have currently chosen.
I would go match by match offering individual reviews but lets face it, i for one have invested enough time in wwe's latest ppv by watching the damn thing.
The online countdown that was eluded to this time yesterday by my partner sean, regarding the saveus222 promos, and leading to cyber sunday was an apparent hoax; or, an elaborate countdown to 10:30pm, depending on how you choose to look at it. I hopefully, yet naively bought right into the countdown hook line and sinker, i will admit that. But my god the Jericho speculation that began months ago and has since associated itself with the saveus/savior promos are killing me and i know im not alone in this. Like, DoIt! Push the button!! For christ sake i've waited for months patiently with my "go Jericho go" sneakers on the metaphoric shoe rack just waiting to slip em on and walk around.
Alright, I've made my point, back to the review: NoJericho, thumbs down. Sorry, i know its harsh but it's my blog and i'll say what i want. Besides if wwe and it's 'Superstars' had given me a REAL show to watch (like something special, i don't know) my mind would have wandered naturally in aww and amazement. Nowadays thats virtually impossible.
Regarding the votable aspects of the show, the results of every poll were all totally predictable and made all of wwes bookings leading into the ppv come full circle way too conviently. This leads me to believe that either (a)wwe is too good at brainwashing the little kids and all other novice wrestling fans who make up most of the voting polls with their repeat votes on these types of shows, or (b) the obvious, the polls really are not a factor; wwe does it's own thing like usual while claiming otherwise. That's right, I trust vince and co. not at all to honor what they promote.
Furthermore, if i could say one thing to the superstars that performed at last nights cyber sunday, purely from a spectator standpoint, it would be the following: There is no one wrestler, or style of wrestling, or combination of size and style that works NEARLY as well as it could if every competitor in ANY given match is not trying their absolute HARDEST to make it so. For ppv, let alone television let alone merely an arena full of screaming fans, if you(wrestler) are not willing to try your very hardest to entertain with a great match, it might not hurt to rethink the career path which you have currently chosen.
The video has been airing weekly on RAW, Smackdown... and I'd assume on ECW but I really haven't watched an episode in its entirety as of this moment.
Is it Y2J's second coming? That's the word on Wikipedia...
Check it out yourself.... go to www.savior_self.com/8211
You will be prompted to enter a user name and a password for save_us.22...
The user name must be in capital letters and is as follows...SAVOUR_SELF
and the password must be in capital letters and is as follows.... SUNDAYCOMING
Another prompt to enter a user name and password will appear for save_us.29.
Enter the same user name and password in capital letters.
You will be taken to a countdown that will end around 10:30 Sunday night... during the WWE CyberSunday pay-per-view telecast.
Hopefully Chris Jericho will save us. I don't know though.
Also, Booker T will in all likelihood be Sting's "MYSTERY" tag partner for TNA Genesis. Wow.
Is it Y2J's second coming? That's the word on Wikipedia...
Check it out yourself.... go to www.savior_self.com/8211
You will be prompted to enter a user name and a password for save_us.22...
The user name must be in capital letters and is as follows...SAVOUR_SELF
and the password must be in capital letters and is as follows.... SUNDAYCOMING
Another prompt to enter a user name and password will appear for save_us.29.
Enter the same user name and password in capital letters.
You will be taken to a countdown that will end around 10:30 Sunday night... during the WWE CyberSunday pay-per-view telecast.
Hopefully Chris Jericho will save us. I don't know though.
Also, Booker T will in all likelihood be Sting's "MYSTERY" tag partner for TNA Genesis. Wow.
I love Monday nights. I always will. I love to sit back after 12 hours of work and drink a coca-cola and watch Raw. I know, nowadays it usually sucks. But I still love it. Why? Because it might be good. You never know! Any Monday could be good. Usually, yeah it's not that good. But the talent is there... the creativity is there... and about once every two months the stars align and I see a Raw program that makes me go, "Pfft... no wonder I'm still watching pro-wrestling at 28 years of age."
I guess one day I'll have to stop watching it. I do notice that WWE is marketing itself more and more towards children. That's fine. TNA is marketing itself more towards me. I'm not knocking WWE. They're a business and trying to make money and kids are going to spend their parent's money on John Cena action figures. I'm not. No matter how good Raw is on any given Monday, I'm not dropping one red cent on a John Cena action figure. I'll drop fifty bucks on Wrestlemania, but not ten bucks on an action figure.
My point is I love watching wrestling. OK, to be honest, I'm just posting for the sake of posting.
I guess one day I'll have to stop watching it. I do notice that WWE is marketing itself more and more towards children. That's fine. TNA is marketing itself more towards me. I'm not knocking WWE. They're a business and trying to make money and kids are going to spend their parent's money on John Cena action figures. I'm not. No matter how good Raw is on any given Monday, I'm not dropping one red cent on a John Cena action figure. I'll drop fifty bucks on Wrestlemania, but not ten bucks on an action figure.
My point is I love watching wrestling. OK, to be honest, I'm just posting for the sake of posting.
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