Alright, so apparently no way out will contain 2 wrestlemania title shot giving elimination chamber matches now. The card for wwe's february ppv now reads:
Orton v. Cena (wwe)
Mysterio v. Edge (world)
Elimination Chamber Raw:
HBK v. HHH v. JBL v. Y2J v. Umaga v. Jeff Hardy
Elimination Chamber SD!:
Bautista v. Taker v. Finlay v. MVP v. Great Khali v. Big Daddy V
Mr. Kennedy v. Flair
If anyone is reading this that has a say, this card is way more promising of action than one main evented by John Cena and triple h ie: Wrestlemania. Please give us a wrestlemania filled with well matched, first time meeting contests. If i only had one wish, it would be to not be subjected to Cena/HHH rematch; taker/hbk(rematch), kennedy/flair(then rematch), or even taker/edge(they wrestled last month on ppv in a triple threat, and incidentally edge isn't undefeated. He lost last year. Any skeptics answer me this, if you're booked in a match, and you're there at opening bell time, and somebody wins that isn't you, what do you call yourself?)
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
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you are a smart writer. It also sounds like you're handsome.
you are a smart writer. It also sounds like you're handsome.
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