John Cena's injury was for fans everywhere a blessing in broad daylight. That is why his surprise early return, in the royal rumble match, and subsequent victory and green light immediately back to the main event at the years biggest event is to those same fans(and his peers) so catastrophically bad. I can't think of a single other situation which would leave such a bad taste in my mouth about advancements in modern medicine and physically therapy, than john cenas super speedy recovery to a serious injury. It just doesnt seem fair. It's no miracle. Curse.. That's the word. Seannie said it best about our wrestlemania smiles..
..the trip itself however, will only include sean and i, despite what was said in a previous post about the inclusion of our subordinates. Sorry guys. Furthermore, as the undisputed 2007 writer/personality/OIW fan icon/etc. of the year, and more importantly, #1 in all of your puny hearts i can assure you, that when I take our friend Seannie to WMXXIV, it will be like taking him to hell and back and when the smoke settles, somebody will be chokeslammed in the name of the FATHER, and the SON, and the ..(fan interaction).
Pressing foward..
So everybodies always asking me, 'so, the kid, what type of card would you like to see for wrestlemania based on events of the present?'
So basically, as of right now, anyway, i present my wrestlemania hopexpectations:
$ in the bank:
(It's difficult to include all of the superstars i want to see in the card, and all the superstars that are just going to be booked regardless of what i hopexpectate, no denying. That being said i also can't deny that this match especially is WWe's way to include any extra mid to main event level personas on the years card. Yatta yatta yatta i am going to go with the 8 man match for inclusions sake and also the sake of likelyhood, but i am doing it with the match itself in mind, though i did give thought to some Bautista involvement)
Here we go.
Shelton Benjamin Big Show
Snitsky Rey Mysterio
MVP Matt Hardy
Jon Morrison Umaga
HHH v. JBL-it only makes too much sense to me to start up a huge fued between these two huge egos on either side of the goodguy/badguy spectrum, while that is still the case. This match and its build up has limitless heat potential for both. Jbl is awesome at being evil personified.
Kennedy v. Y2J -What would be better, the verbal banter between two gifted stickmen, or the action packed edge of your seat match they would put on? nO, seriously, i cant figure it out.
Taker v. Cena - Cena chooses the smackdown, uh i mean world title to challeng for at WMXXIV meanwhile takers wins the title from Edge at no way out (with help from the debuting 'Othertakers' in fending off Edge's 'Edgeheads'), forcing two guys who nobody can see losing a match at this years wrestlemania to square off.
Flair v. Orton- for the wwe championship. High Stakes.
Michaels v. jeff Hardy- i dunno, maybe one of them should turn heel since being a face hasn't really brought too much perspective good luck to either of them, and since the potential for a match classic between them is inevitable.
Edge v. Cm Punk, unveiled as one of the othertakers- I know what you're thinking,... and yor probably right.
in some sort of gimmick match. In the spirit of including the tag team division on the grandest stage of them all, as well as the above mentioned, for the most part talented competitors. Good stuff could go down if done right.
That wraps it up i didnt include a womens match but i do hope to see maria scantily clad to round out my evening. Chk again. I'll tell Seannie to post up on or before raw tommorrow to keep our beloved OIW fans in tune with our two cents, and Seannie? ..well Seannie will do just that because i have told him so. Cheers!
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
Leave It To Cena, WMXXIV hopexpectations!!
Catastrophically bad,
Royal Rumble,
Shwan Michaels,
Wrestlemania 24,
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