The Kidd and myself attended the taping of Smackdown and the live ECW show at the Nassau Coliseum this past Tuesday. I won't bother with posting results of the matches because A. there were no matches worth mentioning relating to spoilers and B. if you haven't noticed yet, I am more concerned with the bigger picture... the business side of promotions... the direction of promotions... not so much the day-to-day matches that a promotion books.
The most important thing I saw at the Nassau Coliseum was a video package dedicated to Jeff Hardy while the cameras were off. Immediately following the video package was a video promotion for Wrestlemania 24. I've been saying for about a week and a half now that Jeff Hardy is going to receive a monster push. I was very surprised he was booked to lose to Ken Kennedy at Cyber Sunday. However, I still believe he is going to receive what I call 'The Wrestlemania Main Event Push.' This is a push for a mid-card wrestler that begins around Survivor Series, proceeds with a Royal Rumble win, and ends with a victory at Wrestlemania for the title. Batista received this push. Steve Austin received this push. Shawn Michaels received this push. I am certain Jeff Hardy is going to main event Wrestlemania 24.
Maybe Vince McMahon's original plan was a John Cena/Triple H rematch... yawn... or something along those lines. The WWE needs a fresh main-event guy and Jeff Hardy is that guy. He has been getting bigger pops that Shawn Michaels on recent Raw episodes and he is the most exciting in-ring performer on the roster. Granted, his microphone skills are non-existent, but his ability in the ring is what fans identify with and I think in today's wrestling environment, that's a beautiful thing. He is centimeters away from main-event ability. All he needs is a thoughtful push by Vince and the other powers-that-be.
I think the video package of Jeff Hardy highlights set to a rocking-yet-mellow dramatic song was a little test of the crowd. The cameras weren't rolling. I think the WWE was seeing just how popular Jeff Hardy is in the difficult wrestling environment of Long Island.
I guess we'll see.
Also, concerning the Y2Joke on us. The new date for the second-coming is November 19th. save_us.x29 was the next clue. On October 29th, a new video proclaimed 'Launch - 19.' November 19th is the Raw after the Survivor Series. I guess he's showing up there. I hope so for Vince's sake, because I'm beginning to really not care.
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
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