Survivor Series has become the worst Pay-Per-View event of the year. It's treated like a high-profile event but delivers like an episode of ECW. When Survivor Series 2006 ended, I wanted to vomit. It was disgusting. It was uninteresting. It was bad wrestling and it was bad storytelling and it was worse than the worst card I could have thought off.
Survivor Series 2007 is shaping up to be the same... maybe a little better.
First off, I hate traditional Survivor Series matches. They were cool in the '80s because it was the only opportunity a wrestling fan had to see Hulk Hogan team up with the Ultimate Warrior and Demolition... or Randy Savage team up with Jake Roberts and the Rockers... I might be making up actual Survivor Series teams but I think you get the point. In today's over saturated professional wrestling market these sort of team-ups between 'superstars' happen more often than not. The WWE has to book 3 main events every week so it's near impossible for team-ups not to happen and story lines not to cross.
A traditional Survivor Series match is lame because at least five 'superstars' have to be eliminated within twenty minutes. This means that there are some cheese ball pins and submissions. There are no high-points and there has to be time for each 'superstar' to perform his signature move. Ugh. Just thinking about this match makes me wonder why The Kidd is ordering the PPV.
The match up:
Triple H, Rey Mysterio, The Hardys, and Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finlay, and Big Daddy V.
It doesn't matter who wins or who pins who. It's for the kids and I'm not looking forward to it.
10 Divas Tag Team Match? I don't care. Whatever.
Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali? Ok. Am I taking this match seriously? Because the WWE seems to be taking it seriously. It's a bad joke. And the worst part of the joke is that Hornswoggle is a better wrestler than Khali.
Batista vs. The Undertaker Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship? I'm interested. Will Taker get his belt back? Who can say 'no' to a Hell in a Cell match? Well, if you book it along side this other garbola, I might say 'no.' I think The Undertaker will get the World Title back as the original plan was for him to carry from Wrestlemania 23 until Wrestlemania 24. And remember that Edge is on the promo for Survivor Series. He's cleared to return to the ring. He is going to show up and do something... I think... I hope.
Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship? Well, there is one way that this match can be interesting. That one way is this: if Michaels puts Orton in a sharpshooter while Vince McMahon is at ringside and Vince orders the bell to be rung and awards Shawn Michaels the WWE Championship without Orton having tapped out. Unfortunately, I doubt something creative like that would happen. At this point in his career, Shawn Michaels would not turn heel. And if he would, I doubt he would be quick to remind wrestling fans of the Montreal Screwjob. Maybe I'm wrong... hopefully I'm wrong.
Anyway, I'm going to watch the Survivor Series not because I will enjoy it but because I feel it is my duty as Chief WWE Correspondent.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
Survivor Series 2007 Preview
Hulk Hogan,
Randy Orton,
Shawn Michaels,
Survivor Series,
The Ultimate Warrior,
The Undertaker,
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1 comment:
yo i heard Kidd-Man is only ordering survivor series because he was told that he has to make The Block look good because The Block is gonna get a push. my bet is that Kidd-Man is laying down for The Block at the Royal Rumble in Madison Square Garden. how sick would that be? but people are saying Kidd-Man is like HBK and might pull some inside interference when the time comes. i hope not. everyone knows The Block deserves the push more. I heard that creative said Kidd-Man should be careful or he'll end up like Jannetty
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