I doubt that he is doing it on purpose. I just don't understand why he thinks some of the ideas he has are... well, good.
What an awesome broadcast Raw was on 11/26. It had it all-- comedy, well-worked matches, drama, and suspense. Honestly, I haven't seen a Raw as good as that in a few years. I can't even remember the last memorable Raw broadcast. The main reason the broadcast was so good was the return of Ric Flair and the new story line that accompanies him. It is a well-thought out story and - if done right - it may end up being the best story line/angle since The Rock's heel turn at Survivor Series 1998. Every match that Flair works will be a main-event caliber match because every match he works may be his last. Each match will have suspense and each match will build the story line more and more. It's genius.
The other reason that Raw was so good was Chris Jericho. He is already the most entertaining person on the roster. The bit with him and Santino Marella was hilarious. I mean, he has done much more entertaining bits - Jericho, not Santino - but considering the lack of humor and the lack of anything 'fun' on Raw or in the WWE over the last three years, that bit was a masterpiece.
The return of both Jericho and Flair have taken Raw to a level I didn't think would be possible until Vince had been long gone from contributing anything creative to the product. For the first time in a very long time I can say, 'I can't wait for Monday night.'
I don't like Jericho being thrown into the main event though. Yes, he is more talented overall than anyone else on the roster, but it is a slap in the face to the guys who have been working hard all year long to see someone who had quit the business and hadn't worked a match in two years return with a huge push and be thrust into a title match. It's a Hogan move. (By the way, after Raw went off the air, Randy Orton accepted Chris Jericho's challenge thus making the main event of Armageddon Randy Orton v. Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship.)
I'm not going to downplay the importance of Chris Jericho to the WWE right now. He is truly saving the company in my opinion. However, there is no need for him to have a belt to get over with fans. I would be more interested in Ric Flair making a title run and winning the WWE Championship. I explained what I've heard the story is going to be like in my last post and I am a big fan of that coming to fruition.
Back to Vince McMahon; why on Earth would he decide to turn Hornswoggle into a magical leprechaun... at all?!?... let alone on a night when such a fantastic-the-stars-have-aligned-in-perfect-harmony booking was to be broadcast?!? It was awkward to watch at first and then I became so irritated by the stupidity of the concept and the tremendous wast of time that the entire Hornswoggle push has been and apparently will continue to be that I was unable to enjoy the Ric Flair/Randy Orton non-title match as much as I should have. I should have been more excited for the main event. I should have been in joy. I should have been savoring the promise of Raws to come. Instead I was angry and hurt and part of me even wanted to watch the Steelers and the Dolphins play in what may have been the worst Monday Night Football game ever. On top of the sheer ferocity at the idea of Hornswoggle being a magic leprechaun is the horrible direction and production from a television viewpoint. Vince should suspend himself from any ideas for a little while.
He refuses to give up on the 'Hornswoggle is my son' story. There can't be any way that he is getting any positive feedback from anyone about this idea. Where are Shane and Stephanie? They should say, 'hey, Dad, Raw is getting fresh and creative and somewhat innovative right now... maybe we should just forget the Hornswoggle idea...' At this point in time, Vince should be looking for some fresh writers.. ahem, me... to develop some interesting ideas to capitalize on the Ric Flair and Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy stories. Steve Austin pitched an idea to have Ric Flair win a title, preferably the WWE Championship, and hold on to it until Wrestlemania 24. At this point, Flair would lay down for a deserving wrestler. It would be a passing of the torch. Whether that wrestler be Jericho of Jeff Hardy or Randy Orton or Edge or hell even Kenny Dykstra, the idea is so right and pure that it would be one of the greatest Wrestlemania moments. Maybe Vince should let Austin pitch some more ideas. I'd rather that than having Vince drag him out every three months for a pay-per-view to give some poor schmuck a stunner and drink a beer.
Listen, I'm sure Vince isn't purposely sabotaging himself... duh. And I'm sure that Hornswoggle is a nice guy. And I know that Finlay is a hard worker and he's been in the business for years and years and he deserves to have some spotlight finally shine on him a little bit. However, there is too much 'good' happening right now that a 'bad' as 'bad' as this angle can make all the 'good' disappear. I don't even want to write about it anymore because it's ruining my mood.
So, in summation, I am very excited about Raw on Monday. I am very excited about Armageddon in 2 weeks. I am so excited that I can't even comment on the mess Smackdown is getting itself into or the positive things that are happening on ECW.
Check back for my Smackdown/ECW post tomorrow and The Kidd's update on the happenings - and there are allot of them - on TNA real soon.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
Vince McMahon Is Sabotaging Himself?
Chris Jericho,
Randy Orton,
Ric Flair,
Santino Marella,
Steve Austin,
Vince McMahon,
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