I doubt that he is doing it on purpose. I just don't understand why he thinks some of the ideas he has are... well, good.
What an awesome broadcast Raw was on 11/26. It had it all-- comedy, well-worked matches, drama, and suspense. Honestly, I haven't seen a Raw as good as that in a few years. I can't even remember the last memorable Raw broadcast. The main reason the broadcast was so good was the return of Ric Flair and the new story line that accompanies him. It is a well-thought out story and - if done right - it may end up being the best story line/angle since The Rock's heel turn at Survivor Series 1998. Every match that Flair works will be a main-event caliber match because every match he works may be his last. Each match will have suspense and each match will build the story line more and more. It's genius.
The other reason that Raw was so good was Chris Jericho. He is already the most entertaining person on the roster. The bit with him and Santino Marella was hilarious. I mean, he has done much more entertaining bits - Jericho, not Santino - but considering the lack of humor and the lack of anything 'fun' on Raw or in the WWE over the last three years, that bit was a masterpiece.
The return of both Jericho and Flair have taken Raw to a level I didn't think would be possible until Vince had been long gone from contributing anything creative to the product. For the first time in a very long time I can say, 'I can't wait for Monday night.'
I don't like Jericho being thrown into the main event though. Yes, he is more talented overall than anyone else on the roster, but it is a slap in the face to the guys who have been working hard all year long to see someone who had quit the business and hadn't worked a match in two years return with a huge push and be thrust into a title match. It's a Hogan move. (By the way, after Raw went off the air, Randy Orton accepted Chris Jericho's challenge thus making the main event of Armageddon Randy Orton v. Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship.)
I'm not going to downplay the importance of Chris Jericho to the WWE right now. He is truly saving the company in my opinion. However, there is no need for him to have a belt to get over with fans. I would be more interested in Ric Flair making a title run and winning the WWE Championship. I explained what I've heard the story is going to be like in my last post and I am a big fan of that coming to fruition.
Back to Vince McMahon; why on Earth would he decide to turn Hornswoggle into a magical leprechaun... at all?!?... let alone on a night when such a fantastic-the-stars-have-aligned-in-perfect-harmony booking was to be broadcast?!? It was awkward to watch at first and then I became so irritated by the stupidity of the concept and the tremendous wast of time that the entire Hornswoggle push has been and apparently will continue to be that I was unable to enjoy the Ric Flair/Randy Orton non-title match as much as I should have. I should have been more excited for the main event. I should have been in joy. I should have been savoring the promise of Raws to come. Instead I was angry and hurt and part of me even wanted to watch the Steelers and the Dolphins play in what may have been the worst Monday Night Football game ever. On top of the sheer ferocity at the idea of Hornswoggle being a magic leprechaun is the horrible direction and production from a television viewpoint. Vince should suspend himself from any ideas for a little while.
He refuses to give up on the 'Hornswoggle is my son' story. There can't be any way that he is getting any positive feedback from anyone about this idea. Where are Shane and Stephanie? They should say, 'hey, Dad, Raw is getting fresh and creative and somewhat innovative right now... maybe we should just forget the Hornswoggle idea...' At this point in time, Vince should be looking for some fresh writers.. ahem, me... to develop some interesting ideas to capitalize on the Ric Flair and Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy stories. Steve Austin pitched an idea to have Ric Flair win a title, preferably the WWE Championship, and hold on to it until Wrestlemania 24. At this point, Flair would lay down for a deserving wrestler. It would be a passing of the torch. Whether that wrestler be Jericho of Jeff Hardy or Randy Orton or Edge or hell even Kenny Dykstra, the idea is so right and pure that it would be one of the greatest Wrestlemania moments. Maybe Vince should let Austin pitch some more ideas. I'd rather that than having Vince drag him out every three months for a pay-per-view to give some poor schmuck a stunner and drink a beer.
Listen, I'm sure Vince isn't purposely sabotaging himself... duh. And I'm sure that Hornswoggle is a nice guy. And I know that Finlay is a hard worker and he's been in the business for years and years and he deserves to have some spotlight finally shine on him a little bit. However, there is too much 'good' happening right now that a 'bad' as 'bad' as this angle can make all the 'good' disappear. I don't even want to write about it anymore because it's ruining my mood.
So, in summation, I am very excited about Raw on Monday. I am very excited about Armageddon in 2 weeks. I am so excited that I can't even comment on the mess Smackdown is getting itself into or the positive things that are happening on ECW.
Check back for my Smackdown/ECW post tomorrow and The Kidd's update on the happenings - and there are allot of them - on TNA real soon.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
2008 WWE King of the Ring

William Regal - a big push followed by a 60 day suspension.
Lots and Lots and Lots of Pre-Raw Notes and Opinions 11/26/07
Lots to write about tonight my children...
Most important bit of news is Ric Flair's return to Raw tonight. It's not going to be as exciting as the 2nd Coming of Christ... er, Chris Jericho, but if booked properly it will be a helluva farewell tour. Disputably the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Ric Flair is going to wrestle his final match at Wrestlemania 24 in Orlando, Florida. Raw is in Charlotte, North Carolina tonight and I imagine Flair's pop will be bigger than Chris Jericho's was last week. What I find most interesting about Flair's return/farewell tour is how it will be booked and the fact that Steve Austin is lending his own ideas for a storyline. Rumors are circulating that he will have a title run that will end at Wrestlemania.
My initial reaction to Ric Flair losing his final match was 'What?!?,' but the more I think about it the more I like it. Both The Kidd and myself have been yearning for Flair to become either World Heavyweight Champion or WWE Champion for over a year. He is easily one of the top draws in the company and he is the dirtiest player in the game and he is more than deserving of one last title run. When I think of pro-wrestling champions, I think of Ric Flair first and foremost. If he is booked to win a belt and drops it to a deserving opponent at Wrestlemania - and when I say deserving I mean DESERVING (which is a topic of discussion for another day) - it will be a true 'passing of the torch.' The writers and bookers and Vince McMahon must be very careful and very smart about Flair's final 4 months in the WWE.
Speaking of possible Wrestlemania 24 spoilers, HHH wants to turn heel. HHH is best booked as a heel. He is a villian. Fans love to hate him. I lose respect for him as a face because he has the ability to book himself in anyway that he wants. HHH has the most political power any talent has ever had in any promotion and he could use that power to headline himself in a Wrestlemania main-event and win the WWE Championship. However, he is smart enough to know that that would not go over well with the locker room or any educated (by educated, I mean wrestling educated) wrestling fan. HHH's original idea was to book himself heel against John Cena a la Wrestlemania 22... with Cena out, the idea being kicked around is HHH v. HBK in Orlando. I don't like this idea. I like my idea of HHH v. Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy should get a title shot if not a title run. HBK should put over a deserving, younger wrestler. While HHH still has some years left in him, HBK is getting pretty painful to watch. He needs to be replaced and doing the job for someone at Wrestlemania is the right thing.
Speaking of Shawn Michaels, he has said that he sees allot of his younger self in Randy Orton. I guess this is a promising observation on Hickenbottom's part. Randy Orton can be a huge star. The potential is there. However, this title run he is on is not working out... at least as far as I'm concerned. I really liked his 'clean' win over Michaels at the Survivor Series, but - like Edge - Orton is trying too hard at being a 'bad guy.' Orton needs to study video of The Rock to learn how to convert his real-life personality into a professional wrestling persona. I have faith that he can one day be the top man in the company, but he is further away from that position now than he was six months ago. He is digressing.
Edge will most likely win the World Heavyweight Title in the next couple of weeks. I'm assuming this will set up a Edge/Taker feud culminating at Wrestlemania. I don't know how Batista is going to be booked over the next couple of months, but I don't think he fits into any interesting story lines. It's a shame because he was really growing on me... I'm serious... I can't explain it... I don't think any reasonable man can explain how Batista gets over. The Kidd believes it has much to do with his pyro. I guess I can agree with that.
As of now, these are the unofficial, unconfirmed Armageddon matches...
Chris Jericho v. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship
Batista v. The Undertaker v. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels v. Ken Kennedy
If seven months ago you had told me that these were booked matches and asked me to guess which pay-per-view event they were booked for, I would have replied 'Wrestlemania,' and pumped my fists.
Carlito - I don't know why I keep talking about him but I'd guess it's because I like his hair and when he spits apple - has officially given his notice to the WWE. He is being released and upon release will be allowed to work anywhere EXCEPT for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Hmmm... I wonder if Vince McMahon is feeling threatened... well, I did wonder if Vince McMahon was feeling threatened until I saw the Angle Family Thanksgiving dinner spot on Impact... it was sort of funny but not really at all... so bottom line, I really don't see TNA as a threat to the WWE... yet...
Mark Henry is headed to ECW. I like this move almost as much as I like the Shelton Benjamin to ECW move. I'm getting tired of seeing Smackdown guys 'appearing' on ECW, but if these Smackdown guys become ECW guys I'd be happy-- or at least as happy as ECW could possibly make someone. ECW needs a stable roster that consists of more than 9 wrestlers. CM Punk needs some talent besides John Morrisson to work with-- no knocking of John Morrisson, but I'm just bored of that program. And to be honest, I think that Smackdown is a little thick on talent. The World Title picture just got way too crowded with the return of Edge. There are five former champions (and that's just a quick count) on the roster that have held the title at least once over the last two years. It's going to be tough to book Batista without the Championship being involved and Rey Mysterio has gotten to the point of putting over M.V.P. on Friday Night Smackdown on the CW network.... didn't he win the title at Wrestlemania 22? Wow. So, Mark Henry to ECW is good for everyone involved... much like Shelton Benjamin's jump from Raw.
Bobby Lashley will be returning to action in early December. I don't know where he is going to fit in. He has a great opportunity to turn into the next Ahmed Johnson! I don't make that comparison because they're both black. I make the comparison because both wrestlers were taking strides in the company and both went down to injury and both did steroids (I can't prove this, but come on). Ahmed Johnson came back to a scenario that didn't need his presence and he lost his star power and he came back in horrible shape. As far as Bobby is concerned, Raw doesn't need Lashley and I don't think that many fans are going to be enthusiastic about his return - fans are excited about Christ Jericho... er, Chris Jericho... and Ric Flair and Jeff Hardy - and after the WWE Wellness Program controversy, I don't see Lashley being nearly as muscular or physically fit as he was when he went down with a 'shoulder injury.' Maybe he and Ron Simmons and D-Lo Brown can join Mark Henry in ECW and re-start one of the most racially degrading stables in pro-wrestling history: The Nation of Domination. Heck (and I use 'Heck' not 'Hell' because this is a family-friendly wrestling blog), maybe Cryme Tyme can get their jobs back also. Hey! Where is Ahmed Johnson anyhow?!? The Nation of Domination can return and it can be bigger than the nWo.
Enjoy Raw tonight! I'm expecting a good show. I'm excited to see Chris Jericho and Ric Flair. These two professional entertainers will easily take the broadcast up several notches. I'm excited to see Jeff Hardy in action (I've become a total Jeff Hardy mark, much to The Kidd's dismay). I'm excited to see Shawn Michaels and Ken Kennedy develop their program. I'm NOT excited to see Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes continue their awkward father/mentor/son/learner storyline, but I'm sure that I'm going to see them booked together in some sort of lame match around 8:34.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this novel of a post... sorry for the lack of posts over the holiday weekend...
Peace out.
- Seannie Wan
Most important bit of news is Ric Flair's return to Raw tonight. It's not going to be as exciting as the 2nd Coming of Christ... er, Chris Jericho, but if booked properly it will be a helluva farewell tour. Disputably the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Ric Flair is going to wrestle his final match at Wrestlemania 24 in Orlando, Florida. Raw is in Charlotte, North Carolina tonight and I imagine Flair's pop will be bigger than Chris Jericho's was last week. What I find most interesting about Flair's return/farewell tour is how it will be booked and the fact that Steve Austin is lending his own ideas for a storyline. Rumors are circulating that he will have a title run that will end at Wrestlemania.
My initial reaction to Ric Flair losing his final match was 'What?!?,' but the more I think about it the more I like it. Both The Kidd and myself have been yearning for Flair to become either World Heavyweight Champion or WWE Champion for over a year. He is easily one of the top draws in the company and he is the dirtiest player in the game and he is more than deserving of one last title run. When I think of pro-wrestling champions, I think of Ric Flair first and foremost. If he is booked to win a belt and drops it to a deserving opponent at Wrestlemania - and when I say deserving I mean DESERVING (which is a topic of discussion for another day) - it will be a true 'passing of the torch.' The writers and bookers and Vince McMahon must be very careful and very smart about Flair's final 4 months in the WWE.
Speaking of possible Wrestlemania 24 spoilers, HHH wants to turn heel. HHH is best booked as a heel. He is a villian. Fans love to hate him. I lose respect for him as a face because he has the ability to book himself in anyway that he wants. HHH has the most political power any talent has ever had in any promotion and he could use that power to headline himself in a Wrestlemania main-event and win the WWE Championship. However, he is smart enough to know that that would not go over well with the locker room or any educated (by educated, I mean wrestling educated) wrestling fan. HHH's original idea was to book himself heel against John Cena a la Wrestlemania 22... with Cena out, the idea being kicked around is HHH v. HBK in Orlando. I don't like this idea. I like my idea of HHH v. Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy should get a title shot if not a title run. HBK should put over a deserving, younger wrestler. While HHH still has some years left in him, HBK is getting pretty painful to watch. He needs to be replaced and doing the job for someone at Wrestlemania is the right thing.
Speaking of Shawn Michaels, he has said that he sees allot of his younger self in Randy Orton. I guess this is a promising observation on Hickenbottom's part. Randy Orton can be a huge star. The potential is there. However, this title run he is on is not working out... at least as far as I'm concerned. I really liked his 'clean' win over Michaels at the Survivor Series, but - like Edge - Orton is trying too hard at being a 'bad guy.' Orton needs to study video of The Rock to learn how to convert his real-life personality into a professional wrestling persona. I have faith that he can one day be the top man in the company, but he is further away from that position now than he was six months ago. He is digressing.
Edge will most likely win the World Heavyweight Title in the next couple of weeks. I'm assuming this will set up a Edge/Taker feud culminating at Wrestlemania. I don't know how Batista is going to be booked over the next couple of months, but I don't think he fits into any interesting story lines. It's a shame because he was really growing on me... I'm serious... I can't explain it... I don't think any reasonable man can explain how Batista gets over. The Kidd believes it has much to do with his pyro. I guess I can agree with that.
As of now, these are the unofficial, unconfirmed Armageddon matches...
Chris Jericho v. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship
Batista v. The Undertaker v. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels v. Ken Kennedy
If seven months ago you had told me that these were booked matches and asked me to guess which pay-per-view event they were booked for, I would have replied 'Wrestlemania,' and pumped my fists.
Carlito - I don't know why I keep talking about him but I'd guess it's because I like his hair and when he spits apple - has officially given his notice to the WWE. He is being released and upon release will be allowed to work anywhere EXCEPT for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Hmmm... I wonder if Vince McMahon is feeling threatened... well, I did wonder if Vince McMahon was feeling threatened until I saw the Angle Family Thanksgiving dinner spot on Impact... it was sort of funny but not really at all... so bottom line, I really don't see TNA as a threat to the WWE... yet...
Mark Henry is headed to ECW. I like this move almost as much as I like the Shelton Benjamin to ECW move. I'm getting tired of seeing Smackdown guys 'appearing' on ECW, but if these Smackdown guys become ECW guys I'd be happy-- or at least as happy as ECW could possibly make someone. ECW needs a stable roster that consists of more than 9 wrestlers. CM Punk needs some talent besides John Morrisson to work with-- no knocking of John Morrisson, but I'm just bored of that program. And to be honest, I think that Smackdown is a little thick on talent. The World Title picture just got way too crowded with the return of Edge. There are five former champions (and that's just a quick count) on the roster that have held the title at least once over the last two years. It's going to be tough to book Batista without the Championship being involved and Rey Mysterio has gotten to the point of putting over M.V.P. on Friday Night Smackdown on the CW network.... didn't he win the title at Wrestlemania 22? Wow. So, Mark Henry to ECW is good for everyone involved... much like Shelton Benjamin's jump from Raw.
Bobby Lashley will be returning to action in early December. I don't know where he is going to fit in. He has a great opportunity to turn into the next Ahmed Johnson! I don't make that comparison because they're both black. I make the comparison because both wrestlers were taking strides in the company and both went down to injury and both did steroids (I can't prove this, but come on). Ahmed Johnson came back to a scenario that didn't need his presence and he lost his star power and he came back in horrible shape. As far as Bobby is concerned, Raw doesn't need Lashley and I don't think that many fans are going to be enthusiastic about his return - fans are excited about Christ Jericho... er, Chris Jericho... and Ric Flair and Jeff Hardy - and after the WWE Wellness Program controversy, I don't see Lashley being nearly as muscular or physically fit as he was when he went down with a 'shoulder injury.' Maybe he and Ron Simmons and D-Lo Brown can join Mark Henry in ECW and re-start one of the most racially degrading stables in pro-wrestling history: The Nation of Domination. Heck (and I use 'Heck' not 'Hell' because this is a family-friendly wrestling blog), maybe Cryme Tyme can get their jobs back also. Hey! Where is Ahmed Johnson anyhow?!? The Nation of Domination can return and it can be bigger than the nWo.
Enjoy Raw tonight! I'm expecting a good show. I'm excited to see Chris Jericho and Ric Flair. These two professional entertainers will easily take the broadcast up several notches. I'm excited to see Jeff Hardy in action (I've become a total Jeff Hardy mark, much to The Kidd's dismay). I'm excited to see Shawn Michaels and Ken Kennedy develop their program. I'm NOT excited to see Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes continue their awkward father/mentor/son/learner storyline, but I'm sure that I'm going to see them booked together in some sort of lame match around 8:34.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this novel of a post... sorry for the lack of posts over the holiday weekend...
Peace out.
- Seannie Wan
Bobby Lashley,
Chris Jericho,
John Cena,
Ric Flair,
Shawn Michaels,
The Rock,
Random Notes and Random Thoughts On A Random Thanksgiving Eve 11/23/07
Biggest news to report: Shelton Benjamin has been switched from Raw to the ECW roster. I don't think this bodes well for Charlie Haas. However, I think this is great for Shelton Benjamin. He is one of the top five wrestlers on the Raw brand and he gets buried so much he is seen but once a month on television. It's sad that a guy with that much talent gets such little television time. Part of the problem is that he had been paired with Haas again. I'm not knocking Haas, but this is clearly a case of Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty.
Benjamin can make a big impact on ECW. He is deserving of a belt and he held the Intercontinental Title for a fairly long period of time. He should be thrown into the ECW Championship mix and I think he would work a great program with CM Punk. I'm excited to tune into ECW on Tuesdays and see how Shelton fits.
TNA news: Tomko has had emergency surgery on a torn muscle. There is no word yet on how long he will be out of action. TNA can clean up this mess by teaming Christian with Styles and having the two drop the Tag Belts to the Steiners or - even better - Team 3D. This could push a Christian Cage - AJ Styles feud and a Team 3D - Motor City Machine Guns feud for the Tag Belts. I like Tomko, but this is not a horrible situation... except for Tomko... and I guess Prince Albert (A-Train) whom he shares the New Japan Tag Titles with (disclaimer: it may not be Albert that he shares the title with and it may not be New Japan that he wrestles for and he may already have lost that title... I guess I should have done some more research : - ( ).
I'm very curious to see how the Chris Jericho/Randy Orton program will be booked. I'm very curious to see how Edge is booked. I'm most curious to see if Triple H will book himself in a heel turn which, in my opinion, would then push Jeff Hardy to the top face - I guess only behind Jericho - on Raw.
Matt Hardy has had surgery on his appendix and will be out for 8 to 10 weeks. Jeez... more bad luck for the WWE. Matt Hardy is probably the hardest worker on Smackdown... if not the WWE. It works that they could play his absence as a knee injury courtesy of MVP. I guess MVP v. Matt Hardy for the U.S. Title at Wrestlemania 24?
I've actually been brainstorming a possible card for Wrestlemania... What do you think?...
Triple H v. Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship - Triple H has won the belt from Randy Orton due to Chris Jericho's help and turned heel on Jeff Hardy who has won the Royal Rumble.
Edge v. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship - Edge has won the World Title from Batista.
Chris Jericho (should he still be around) v. Randy Orton in some kind of special stipulation match... should the feud last this long...
Shawn Michaels v. Ken Kennedy should they still be feuding. I think this should be a great program. I hope Michaels lays down for Kennedy.
Ric Flair v. Ricky Steamboat - this is going to be Flair's last match and who better - besides I guess Sting - to work with in his farewell match. This is also dependent upon Steamboat's ability to work a match... a good match.
Batista v. Umaga v. Snitsky v. John Morrison v. the Miz v. Finlay in the Money in the Bank Match - this is because I have no idea how else to book these guys.
MVP v. Matt Hardy for the U.S. Championship - this feud can be booked longer and built better with Matt Hardy's injury.
Who am I missing? What do you think? I'm sure The Kidd will have something to say. I'll give some more thought and do a re-post.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our loyal readers!!!
Peace Out
- Seannie Wan
Benjamin can make a big impact on ECW. He is deserving of a belt and he held the Intercontinental Title for a fairly long period of time. He should be thrown into the ECW Championship mix and I think he would work a great program with CM Punk. I'm excited to tune into ECW on Tuesdays and see how Shelton fits.
TNA news: Tomko has had emergency surgery on a torn muscle. There is no word yet on how long he will be out of action. TNA can clean up this mess by teaming Christian with Styles and having the two drop the Tag Belts to the Steiners or - even better - Team 3D. This could push a Christian Cage - AJ Styles feud and a Team 3D - Motor City Machine Guns feud for the Tag Belts. I like Tomko, but this is not a horrible situation... except for Tomko... and I guess Prince Albert (A-Train) whom he shares the New Japan Tag Titles with (disclaimer: it may not be Albert that he shares the title with and it may not be New Japan that he wrestles for and he may already have lost that title... I guess I should have done some more research : - ( ).
I'm very curious to see how the Chris Jericho/Randy Orton program will be booked. I'm very curious to see how Edge is booked. I'm most curious to see if Triple H will book himself in a heel turn which, in my opinion, would then push Jeff Hardy to the top face - I guess only behind Jericho - on Raw.
Matt Hardy has had surgery on his appendix and will be out for 8 to 10 weeks. Jeez... more bad luck for the WWE. Matt Hardy is probably the hardest worker on Smackdown... if not the WWE. It works that they could play his absence as a knee injury courtesy of MVP. I guess MVP v. Matt Hardy for the U.S. Title at Wrestlemania 24?
I've actually been brainstorming a possible card for Wrestlemania... What do you think?...
Triple H v. Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship - Triple H has won the belt from Randy Orton due to Chris Jericho's help and turned heel on Jeff Hardy who has won the Royal Rumble.
Edge v. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship - Edge has won the World Title from Batista.
Chris Jericho (should he still be around) v. Randy Orton in some kind of special stipulation match... should the feud last this long...
Shawn Michaels v. Ken Kennedy should they still be feuding. I think this should be a great program. I hope Michaels lays down for Kennedy.
Ric Flair v. Ricky Steamboat - this is going to be Flair's last match and who better - besides I guess Sting - to work with in his farewell match. This is also dependent upon Steamboat's ability to work a match... a good match.
Batista v. Umaga v. Snitsky v. John Morrison v. the Miz v. Finlay in the Money in the Bank Match - this is because I have no idea how else to book these guys.
MVP v. Matt Hardy for the U.S. Championship - this feud can be booked longer and built better with Matt Hardy's injury.
Who am I missing? What do you think? I'm sure The Kidd will have something to say. I'll give some more thought and do a re-post.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our loyal readers!!!
Peace Out
- Seannie Wan
AJ Styles,
Chris Jericho,
CM Punk,
Marty Jannetty,
Motor City Machine Guns,
Randy Orton,
Shawn Michaels,
Shelton Benjamin,
By The Way
Dear The Kidd,
I'm not sure about my tivoed Raw situation. I normally set it to record until 11:10. I think the Jericho spot was longer than that. I watched it live and I knew I would watch it live ergo I didn't think to adjust my tivo... Nor did I think that Raw would run longer than normal.
Also, I don't know who Scott Hudson is, but he sounds like an enemy.
Seannie Wan
I'm not sure about my tivoed Raw situation. I normally set it to record until 11:10. I think the Jericho spot was longer than that. I watched it live and I knew I would watch it live ergo I didn't think to adjust my tivo... Nor did I think that Raw would run longer than normal.
Also, I don't know who Scott Hudson is, but he sounds like an enemy.
Seannie Wan
Chris Jericho,
Seannie Wan,
The Kidd
Random Notes - Post Second Coming
I had hoped to have a video of Chris Jericho's return to Raw but I have been unable to find one. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? Truth be told I became frustrated. I figure, if you didn't watch Raw last night for Chris Jericho's return, yet you read a pro-wrestling blog you need to take a good look in the mirror.
Chris Jericho ended the program and ratings for Raw were down from last week. Hmmm... maybe because people weren't interested in Jericho enough to sit through a horrible Diva tag match and Hornswagle v. Carlito?
I was excited to see Jericho. It was the furthest thing from a surprise as it's been speculated for months and confirmed for weeks.
I would like to see Triple H win the WWE title from Orton and turn heel on Jeff Hardy and have the feud culminate at Wrestlemania. I would like to see Michaels work a long program with Ken Kennedy. However, I have no idea what I would like to see Chris Jericho do. Where does he fit? He's already in the title picture... a spot that Jeff Hardy and Ken Kennedy are more deserving of.
I'm not going to knock Chris Jericho at all. I think it's great that he's back in wrestling. However, I also thought it was great when the Ultimate Warrior made his triumphant return at Wrestlemania 12.
Overall, I am excited to tune in on Monday.
As far as Edge, the Armageddon main event will most likely be a triple threat match between him, the Undertaker and Batista for Batista's World Heavyweight Championship.
I'll post a video as soon as I find one.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
Chris Jericho ended the program and ratings for Raw were down from last week. Hmmm... maybe because people weren't interested in Jericho enough to sit through a horrible Diva tag match and Hornswagle v. Carlito?
I was excited to see Jericho. It was the furthest thing from a surprise as it's been speculated for months and confirmed for weeks.
I would like to see Triple H win the WWE title from Orton and turn heel on Jeff Hardy and have the feud culminate at Wrestlemania. I would like to see Michaels work a long program with Ken Kennedy. However, I have no idea what I would like to see Chris Jericho do. Where does he fit? He's already in the title picture... a spot that Jeff Hardy and Ken Kennedy are more deserving of.
I'm not going to knock Chris Jericho at all. I think it's great that he's back in wrestling. However, I also thought it was great when the Ultimate Warrior made his triumphant return at Wrestlemania 12.
Overall, I am excited to tune in on Monday.
As far as Edge, the Armageddon main event will most likely be a triple threat match between him, the Undertaker and Batista for Batista's World Heavyweight Championship.
I'll post a video as soon as I find one.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
Chris Jericho,
Jeff Hardy,
The Ultimate Warrior,
The Undertaker,
Triple H,
Finally!! I had to wait longer than most for less Jericho, which i'll explain in a minute, but coll darnit was it worth it. I honestly haven't felt so alive since august of 99( look it up). Jericho is back, he looks great, and he promos* like a rock star now!! I actually think his voice has moved up a step or two in pitch, or sounds it because of his lead singer style delivery. Jerichos great. Phenomenal entrance, with visual reminders of his original debut in the wwe, stupendous. I loved it. Super excited himself to be back. Seemed very confident in the things he said and the message. More confident than a man acting like a wrestler who is confident, or, the norm. His words were carefully chosen and overall i give the rebut(new word) of Y2j Chris Jericho an 8. Don't be alarmed fellow Jerichoholics, thats on a scale from 2 to 8:)
Scott Hudson says Jericho is all hype with no payoff. Scott Hudson says to wait and see. Ok Scott Hudson. Scott Hudson is a communist.
(one minute later)... I had to work tonight so I couldnt watch the return of the best wrestler ever live with my equally excited friends. Why i couldn't get out of work where others would have been able to, well, that can be the subject of a different blog at a different time. I did get to watch at 3am on dvr, alone, and cold, but ofcourse i hadnt planned on main event jericho so my dvr cut out half-way(i can only assume) through. Sean and i don't usually use this blog for direct contact with one another but i know you're reading this before your seeing me so please save your tivoed raw and save me buddy, by crossing your fingers that your recording contraption picked up the slack of my recording contraption and saved us up some steamy Y2j.
Thanks, Sean, and possibly tivo but definately not dvr,
*I will be verbing the word promo from now on. The same is true with the word verb, which will intern have to verb up to it's name
Scott Hudson says Jericho is all hype with no payoff. Scott Hudson says to wait and see. Ok Scott Hudson. Scott Hudson is a communist.
(one minute later)... I had to work tonight so I couldnt watch the return of the best wrestler ever live with my equally excited friends. Why i couldn't get out of work where others would have been able to, well, that can be the subject of a different blog at a different time. I did get to watch at 3am on dvr, alone, and cold, but ofcourse i hadnt planned on main event jericho so my dvr cut out half-way(i can only assume) through. Sean and i don't usually use this blog for direct contact with one another but i know you're reading this before your seeing me so please save your tivoed raw and save me buddy, by crossing your fingers that your recording contraption picked up the slack of my recording contraption and saved us up some steamy Y2j.
Thanks, Sean, and possibly tivo but definately not dvr,
*I will be verbing the word promo from now on. The same is true with the word verb, which will intern have to verb up to it's name
New WWE Developmental Territory/ Carlito
The WWE has opened a developmental territory in Florida... uh-oh!!!!
Doesn't TNA call Florida home?
What's up with that?
I believe the WWE's developmental promotion is called Florida Championship Wrestling.
I wonder what Jeff Jarrett thinks of this move. I bet he wishes he had a developmental territory so that he could develop Scott Hall's skills.
Dustin Runnells needs to work on his skills also.
AJ Style's skills are just fine.
The WWE needs a developmental territory more than TNA. There is a tremendous lack of skills in the WWE... starting with the writers and ending with Cody Rhodes.
Also, it's official that Carlito has given his notice to the WWE. I guess he'll be Kurt Angle's mystery partner at the next TNA Pay-Per-View.
Doesn't TNA call Florida home?
What's up with that?
I believe the WWE's developmental promotion is called Florida Championship Wrestling.
I wonder what Jeff Jarrett thinks of this move. I bet he wishes he had a developmental territory so that he could develop Scott Hall's skills.
Dustin Runnells needs to work on his skills also.
AJ Style's skills are just fine.
The WWE needs a developmental territory more than TNA. There is a tremendous lack of skills in the WWE... starting with the writers and ending with Cody Rhodes.
Also, it's official that Carlito has given his notice to the WWE. I guess he'll be Kurt Angle's mystery partner at the next TNA Pay-Per-View.
AJ Styles,
Cody Rhodes,
Jeff Jarrett,
Scott Hall,
Survivor Series 2007
... and the Ultimate Survivor ended up being yours truly. What a mush job of a card. I've never seen the WWE in such a sorry state. Honestly, the early nineties were much more interesting. If Adam Bomb were around today he would be deserving of a title push.
Well, that's ridiculous, but I'm angry. I keep giving Vince the benefit of the doubt. I'm waiting for the ship to right itself. I'm waiting to be entertained. It's just not happening!!!
Why do I still watch? After watching a pay-per-view like Survivor Series, I can't come up with a reason why I still watch. I can't come up with a good reason why I devote so much time and money and brain matter towards the WWE product. I guess it's because of hope. I guess I hold onto the hope that one day the WWE will again be entertaining. I'm a glutton for punishment.
The highlight of the night was the Triple Threat Match for the ECW Championship. It was the opening match. The Miz is pretty lame, but Cm Punk and John Morrison carried him well. I knew Punk would retain simply because the other two are undeserving of a belt... wait... they just won the Smackdown tag titles... argh.
The Hell in a Cell bout between Taker and Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship was allot worse than I thought it would be. I actually had somewhat high expectation for this match. My bad! I figured that both superstars would put the pedal to the metal and put on the best show possible considering the dire straits that the WWE is in. I was way wrong! The Undertaker looked like he was sleeping through the match. Batista is totally incapable of carrying a big ppv match on his own. Sure, he can work five minutes with Mark Henry on Smackdown... but main event stuff? Nope.
Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton could have been the best finish in the last couple of years but... well, I knew nothing of interest would happen. At least Orton finally got a clean win. I can't remember the last time he got a clean win over a big time guy like Michaels.
Another highlight: Jeff Hardy getting the last pin fall in the traditional elimination match. Hunter letting him steal the spotlight further supports my 'Jeff Hardy wins the Royal Rumble theory.' I guess that's all up to HHH.
The Hornswaggle-Great Khali match was so lame that I can't come up with words to describe it. Vince's expression as he left ringside says it all. Why would he book that match? What did he think would happen? The nearly sold-out crowd was much more interested in Shaquille O'Neal sitting ringside than they were in the match.
I really hate dwelling on the negative, but it's impossible with this one.
On a scale of 1 to 10, did I hate this ppv? Yes.
That didn't make any sense... sort of a microcosm of the WWE.
The superstar I'm most excited to see on a regular basis is Santino Marella.
I really hope that Chris Jericho 'saves_us' tonight.
Well, that's ridiculous, but I'm angry. I keep giving Vince the benefit of the doubt. I'm waiting for the ship to right itself. I'm waiting to be entertained. It's just not happening!!!
Why do I still watch? After watching a pay-per-view like Survivor Series, I can't come up with a reason why I still watch. I can't come up with a good reason why I devote so much time and money and brain matter towards the WWE product. I guess it's because of hope. I guess I hold onto the hope that one day the WWE will again be entertaining. I'm a glutton for punishment.
The highlight of the night was the Triple Threat Match for the ECW Championship. It was the opening match. The Miz is pretty lame, but Cm Punk and John Morrison carried him well. I knew Punk would retain simply because the other two are undeserving of a belt... wait... they just won the Smackdown tag titles... argh.
The Hell in a Cell bout between Taker and Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship was allot worse than I thought it would be. I actually had somewhat high expectation for this match. My bad! I figured that both superstars would put the pedal to the metal and put on the best show possible considering the dire straits that the WWE is in. I was way wrong! The Undertaker looked like he was sleeping through the match. Batista is totally incapable of carrying a big ppv match on his own. Sure, he can work five minutes with Mark Henry on Smackdown... but main event stuff? Nope.
Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton could have been the best finish in the last couple of years but... well, I knew nothing of interest would happen. At least Orton finally got a clean win. I can't remember the last time he got a clean win over a big time guy like Michaels.
Another highlight: Jeff Hardy getting the last pin fall in the traditional elimination match. Hunter letting him steal the spotlight further supports my 'Jeff Hardy wins the Royal Rumble theory.' I guess that's all up to HHH.
The Hornswaggle-Great Khali match was so lame that I can't come up with words to describe it. Vince's expression as he left ringside says it all. Why would he book that match? What did he think would happen? The nearly sold-out crowd was much more interested in Shaquille O'Neal sitting ringside than they were in the match.
I really hate dwelling on the negative, but it's impossible with this one.
On a scale of 1 to 10, did I hate this ppv? Yes.
That didn't make any sense... sort of a microcosm of the WWE.
The superstar I'm most excited to see on a regular basis is Santino Marella.
I really hope that Chris Jericho 'saves_us' tonight.
Chris Jericho,
Shaquille O'Neal,
Survivor Series,
Vince McMahon,
By The Way....
Real quick.. it is the 10 year anniversary of the Montreal Screwjob...
Maybe there is something to my theory of Shawn Michaels turning heel on Sunday? Mr. McMahon calls for the bell to be rung while Michaels has Randy Orton in a sharpshooter and gives Michaels the title without Orton submitting...
It'd be the most interesting idea the WWE has had in the last five years... me thinks.
Maybe there is something to my theory of Shawn Michaels turning heel on Sunday? Mr. McMahon calls for the bell to be rung while Michaels has Randy Orton in a sharpshooter and gives Michaels the title without Orton submitting...
It'd be the most interesting idea the WWE has had in the last five years... me thinks.
Total? Nonstop? Action?
Allow me to take the wheel on TNA discussion this week. The Kidd is m.i.a... or m.i.t.n.a. rather.
TNA is geared toward the real wrestling fan. I don't like it more than the WWE, as horrible as the WWE shows have been since the Chris Benoit tragedy. I could very easily like it more, but there is something wrong. It's eerie... it's not tangible... it's out there floating around... it's the calm before the storm.
I was reading an article by Kevin Kelly - he was the fat dude who interviewed 'talent' 'backstage' on Raw telecasts during the 'Attitude' era - and he labeled TNA as a safe haven for all the WWE talent who didn't want to comply with the WWE Wellness Policy. I guess there is some truth to that. I personally don't harp on steroid abuse in any sport. If the athlete wants to destroy his or her body and his or her family and his or her life, they should be allowed to. This is America after all. If the athletes become more durable, a little faster, a little stronger, and a little more entertaining because of a drug, than I'm all for it. Don't take this as 'Seannie Wan supports steroid abuse.' It's not that at all. My point is that if somebody wants to do something illegal, they're going to do it and the powers that be may as well let them do it. It's their choice. I'm off track. The point of this post wasn't steroids, it was TNA Wrestling.
Yes, the calm before the storm. TNA is geared towards fans like The Kidd and myself. We are fans that want an intriguing story and an interesting match with high points that work well not just because they're high points but because the interest in the match and the result has been built up through good storytelling and athletic ability. That is what Jeff Jarrett is working for. Vince McMahon, on the other hand, is at a place where he is trying to figure out - hopefully - what direction his promotion is going to go in. The WWE seems geared for children right now... and that's fine as long as the pay-per-views don't suffer. As long as I can watch several well-worked matches, I'm OK with the stories being geared towards kids. TNA is geared for an older audience.
TNA's problem is that they're handing out contracts to talent that has run their course with the WWE in a bad way. Booker T... Andrew Martin... Junior Fatu... Scott Hall... More talent will arrive with great buildup and this talent will be pushed front and center. I understand that TNA needs somewhat well-known names now that they have a 2 hour program. However, pushing the talent that has been rejected by World Wrestling Entertainment simply because they're known talent is going to backfire. The young talent that has been with TNA through it all - the guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels and James Storm - are being buried in mid-card matches while Kurt Angle and Booker T headline a pay-per-view. TNA believes that their fans want to see Hall and Nash face Angle and a mystery opponent who is making his TNA debut after a long stint with the WWE (this is just an example, there is no former WWE wrestler set to make his debut at the next ppv), when in actuality, their fans want to see Samoa Joe win the world title and AJ Styles work a program with Christian Cage. This way of thinking will shoot Jeff Jarrett in the foot. The real talent that this promotion can be built around will lose their drive - especially working for 250 bucks a show - and think about the greener pastures of Connecticut. And yes! That was also WCW's downfall... i.e. Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Paul Wight, etc.
I really like TNA. Impact was pretty good on Thursday. I think the Team 3-D/x-Division feud is interesting. I didn't see the Havoc swerve coming... mostly because he is so uninteresting that I would expect something better... but regardless, I think it's a pretty cool feud. I really like the Motor City Machine Guns. I think AJ and Tomko jump from Christian to Angle is a nice story also. Rellik is pretty lame and Dustin Runnells must be very upset with how his career has turned out. Jay Lethal is a great talent, but his 'black Macho Man' gimmick is getting stale. There are ups and downs, but they are all interesting.
Overall, there is reason to get excited about Thursday night, but I just don't feel it yet. I feel very calm about TNA. It's a promotion on the brink of bankruptcy that continues to bring in over-the-hill talent as opposed to building up their own guys. Is there a storm coming? It's not James Storm, that's for sure. Something is going to give at some point.
I'll leave it up to The Kidd to comment further.
Survivor Series tomorrow night....
Peace Out
- Seannie Wan
TNA is geared toward the real wrestling fan. I don't like it more than the WWE, as horrible as the WWE shows have been since the Chris Benoit tragedy. I could very easily like it more, but there is something wrong. It's eerie... it's not tangible... it's out there floating around... it's the calm before the storm.
I was reading an article by Kevin Kelly - he was the fat dude who interviewed 'talent' 'backstage' on Raw telecasts during the 'Attitude' era - and he labeled TNA as a safe haven for all the WWE talent who didn't want to comply with the WWE Wellness Policy. I guess there is some truth to that. I personally don't harp on steroid abuse in any sport. If the athlete wants to destroy his or her body and his or her family and his or her life, they should be allowed to. This is America after all. If the athletes become more durable, a little faster, a little stronger, and a little more entertaining because of a drug, than I'm all for it. Don't take this as 'Seannie Wan supports steroid abuse.' It's not that at all. My point is that if somebody wants to do something illegal, they're going to do it and the powers that be may as well let them do it. It's their choice. I'm off track. The point of this post wasn't steroids, it was TNA Wrestling.
Yes, the calm before the storm. TNA is geared towards fans like The Kidd and myself. We are fans that want an intriguing story and an interesting match with high points that work well not just because they're high points but because the interest in the match and the result has been built up through good storytelling and athletic ability. That is what Jeff Jarrett is working for. Vince McMahon, on the other hand, is at a place where he is trying to figure out - hopefully - what direction his promotion is going to go in. The WWE seems geared for children right now... and that's fine as long as the pay-per-views don't suffer. As long as I can watch several well-worked matches, I'm OK with the stories being geared towards kids. TNA is geared for an older audience.
TNA's problem is that they're handing out contracts to talent that has run their course with the WWE in a bad way. Booker T... Andrew Martin... Junior Fatu... Scott Hall... More talent will arrive with great buildup and this talent will be pushed front and center. I understand that TNA needs somewhat well-known names now that they have a 2 hour program. However, pushing the talent that has been rejected by World Wrestling Entertainment simply because they're known talent is going to backfire. The young talent that has been with TNA through it all - the guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels and James Storm - are being buried in mid-card matches while Kurt Angle and Booker T headline a pay-per-view. TNA believes that their fans want to see Hall and Nash face Angle and a mystery opponent who is making his TNA debut after a long stint with the WWE (this is just an example, there is no former WWE wrestler set to make his debut at the next ppv), when in actuality, their fans want to see Samoa Joe win the world title and AJ Styles work a program with Christian Cage. This way of thinking will shoot Jeff Jarrett in the foot. The real talent that this promotion can be built around will lose their drive - especially working for 250 bucks a show - and think about the greener pastures of Connecticut. And yes! That was also WCW's downfall... i.e. Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Paul Wight, etc.
I really like TNA. Impact was pretty good on Thursday. I think the Team 3-D/x-Division feud is interesting. I didn't see the Havoc swerve coming... mostly because he is so uninteresting that I would expect something better... but regardless, I think it's a pretty cool feud. I really like the Motor City Machine Guns. I think AJ and Tomko jump from Christian to Angle is a nice story also. Rellik is pretty lame and Dustin Runnells must be very upset with how his career has turned out. Jay Lethal is a great talent, but his 'black Macho Man' gimmick is getting stale. There are ups and downs, but they are all interesting.
Overall, there is reason to get excited about Thursday night, but I just don't feel it yet. I feel very calm about TNA. It's a promotion on the brink of bankruptcy that continues to bring in over-the-hill talent as opposed to building up their own guys. Is there a storm coming? It's not James Storm, that's for sure. Something is going to give at some point.
I'll leave it up to The Kidd to comment further.
Survivor Series tomorrow night....
Peace Out
- Seannie Wan
AJ Styles,
Chris Benoit,
Jeff Jarrett,
Kurt Angle,
Team 3-D,
the X-Division,
Vince McMahon,
Post Smackdown Notes 11/16/07
I really liked the MVP/Matt Hardy Tag Team Champions storyline. I knew that it was going to end eventually but I thought it could have gone on for awhile longer. I think MVP can be a top star with the WWE. His names is almost as bad as Kaz and his entrance is lame and I'm sick of overblown elbow drops, but he is a pretty funny guy with the microphone and he can work a good match.
I think that if the story continued for awhile longer it would have picked up more steam and would have been beneficial for both MVP and Hardy. Maybe something more interesting will come of it. For example, Jeff Hardy skipped out before Matt Hardy's match. Maybe Matt will get angry at Jeff. Who knows? I hope MVP and Matt Hardy put on a good match for the US Title. Matt Hardy deserves a belt. He's a hard worker with allot of respect for the business. MVP is sure to gain some heat out of his turn on Matt. It'll be nice to hear some sort of reaction when he enters the arena as opposed to the uncomfortable silence that usually accompanies his lame, overblown entrance.
I'm looking forward to the Hell in a Cell.
Smackdown is more entertaining than Raw and has been for the last month.
Rey Mysterio doesn't seem like he is interested in wrestling anymore. He looks like he's half-assing it.
Finlay is a good heel. I hate him and I don't normally hate talent because of the character they portray.
I like that The Miz and John Morrison have the belts. It'll add some heat to ECW and those characters. I just hate that it is at the expense of MVP and Matt Hardy. Honestly, MVP turning on Matt is predictable, but if they built up a friendship more and some better successful title defenses, the whole story would have been a helluva lot better.
I think it was hilarious that there were close-ups of fans on the verge of tears in the audience while MVP worked Matt's knee.
Sick of Jericho promos. I just want Jericho.
The Kidd had to call some girl to work his shift at McDonalds in New Jersey the first time Chris Jericho showed up on Raw. He has to do the same this time although he has a different place of employment. I told him he should call the same girl for nostalgic reasons.
Edge on Sunday, Jericho on Monday... We just need RVD at ECW on Tuesday and it will be the best week for the WWE in the last three years.
I really hope Shawn Michaels turns heel on Sunday by repeating the Montreal Screwjob.
I think that if the story continued for awhile longer it would have picked up more steam and would have been beneficial for both MVP and Hardy. Maybe something more interesting will come of it. For example, Jeff Hardy skipped out before Matt Hardy's match. Maybe Matt will get angry at Jeff. Who knows? I hope MVP and Matt Hardy put on a good match for the US Title. Matt Hardy deserves a belt. He's a hard worker with allot of respect for the business. MVP is sure to gain some heat out of his turn on Matt. It'll be nice to hear some sort of reaction when he enters the arena as opposed to the uncomfortable silence that usually accompanies his lame, overblown entrance.
I'm looking forward to the Hell in a Cell.
Smackdown is more entertaining than Raw and has been for the last month.
Rey Mysterio doesn't seem like he is interested in wrestling anymore. He looks like he's half-assing it.
Finlay is a good heel. I hate him and I don't normally hate talent because of the character they portray.
I like that The Miz and John Morrison have the belts. It'll add some heat to ECW and those characters. I just hate that it is at the expense of MVP and Matt Hardy. Honestly, MVP turning on Matt is predictable, but if they built up a friendship more and some better successful title defenses, the whole story would have been a helluva lot better.
I think it was hilarious that there were close-ups of fans on the verge of tears in the audience while MVP worked Matt's knee.
Sick of Jericho promos. I just want Jericho.
The Kidd had to call some girl to work his shift at McDonalds in New Jersey the first time Chris Jericho showed up on Raw. He has to do the same this time although he has a different place of employment. I told him he should call the same girl for nostalgic reasons.
Edge on Sunday, Jericho on Monday... We just need RVD at ECW on Tuesday and it will be the best week for the WWE in the last three years.
I really hope Shawn Michaels turns heel on Sunday by repeating the Montreal Screwjob.
Random Notes and Opinions 11/16/07
Junior Fatu was very unpopular with the TNA talent. He showed no respect to the unknown guys - according to the unknown guys who he apparently didn't show respect to. He called Robert Roode Rick Rude. Overall, it seemed as if he was just there to collect a paycheck. I only go to my job to collect a paycheck. I think that probably 80% of Americans only go to work because they get paid. But, it's different with a wrestling promotion and especially a promotion attempting to grow the way Total Nonstop Action is attempting to grow. All of the talent has to be working together and be committed and truly care about the show. So, if all of this is true, and it all seems to be true, it's good that Junior Fatu is gone; it's good for TNA and it's good for me - the guy that watches TNA and isn't really interested in leftover WWE talent from 1999.
Edge is going to return at Sunday's Survivor Series. I'm a big fan of Edge although I think he tries to hard at being a heel. It's overkill but he's still probably my favorite wrestler. I'm sure he'll bounce right back into the world title picture. I'm thinking that Taker will win the title because of Edge's interference setting up a Batista-Edge feud. I can't see the Undertaker not winning the belt. It was the plan at Wrestlemania 23 for him to have a long title run. Neither The Undertaker or Batista really need the belt to get over.
It was cool to see Scott Hall and Kevin Nash together in the ring beating up Kurt Angle and Tomko and AJ Styles... sort of. I'm a little sketchy about TNA right now. I think they're pushing WWE leftovers where they should be pushing the home grown talent. If WCW had pushed Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit instead of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, I think they would still be around today. So if TNA is going to push Hall and Nash instead of AJ Styles and Samoa Joe they're not going to be around in a couple of years.
Speaking of Samoa Joe, he has yet to agree to a new contract with TNA. It's interesting because he and AJ Styles are the only true TNA talent that I think would be successful in the WWE. It'd be cool to see what kind of crowd reaction they would receive if they showed up on Raw. Ah... knowing Vince they'd probably be put on the ECW roster... which is really thin. They don't even have enough guys to fill a one hour show.
I'm a little more excited about Survivor Series now than I was when I posted my preview. I'm most excited about Monday... Y2J... I can't wait for the countdown. You know you can't either.
Peace Out
- Seannie Wan
Edge is going to return at Sunday's Survivor Series. I'm a big fan of Edge although I think he tries to hard at being a heel. It's overkill but he's still probably my favorite wrestler. I'm sure he'll bounce right back into the world title picture. I'm thinking that Taker will win the title because of Edge's interference setting up a Batista-Edge feud. I can't see the Undertaker not winning the belt. It was the plan at Wrestlemania 23 for him to have a long title run. Neither The Undertaker or Batista really need the belt to get over.
It was cool to see Scott Hall and Kevin Nash together in the ring beating up Kurt Angle and Tomko and AJ Styles... sort of. I'm a little sketchy about TNA right now. I think they're pushing WWE leftovers where they should be pushing the home grown talent. If WCW had pushed Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit instead of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, I think they would still be around today. So if TNA is going to push Hall and Nash instead of AJ Styles and Samoa Joe they're not going to be around in a couple of years.
Speaking of Samoa Joe, he has yet to agree to a new contract with TNA. It's interesting because he and AJ Styles are the only true TNA talent that I think would be successful in the WWE. It'd be cool to see what kind of crowd reaction they would receive if they showed up on Raw. Ah... knowing Vince they'd probably be put on the ECW roster... which is really thin. They don't even have enough guys to fill a one hour show.
I'm a little more excited about Survivor Series now than I was when I posted my preview. I'm most excited about Monday... Y2J... I can't wait for the countdown. You know you can't either.
Peace Out
- Seannie Wan
AJ Styles,
Chris Jericho,
Hulk Hogan,
Junior Fatu,
Randy Savage,
Rick Rude,
Samoa Joe,
Survivor Series,
The Undertaker,
Vince McMahon,
Backstage Scuffle at Smackdown/ECW
JBL got mad at The Miz and John Morrisonitro because they disrespected CM Punk as a wrestler and not as a character during their guest commentary for his match. I don't know who Punk was wrestling and I don't think it's relevant. In fact, I don't think that it's relevant that JBL getting mad at The Miz and John Morrisonitro is relevant. In fact, I don't think that The Miz and John Morrisonitro are relevant. In fact, I'm not sure that this post is relevant.
However, I must report the truth... or at least what I hear from other people... or read on the Internet. JBL demanded that The Miz and John Morrisonitro (I'll stop using that name) apologize to Punk. The Miz apologized immediately and John Morrison told JBL to 'mind his own business.' They had to be separated by the other talent at one point. My money would have been on JBL. That dude is huge.
I seem to notice that JBL gets into disagreements with talent on a fairly regular basis. He's well respected by WWE upper-management and uses his position for political purposes, meaning if he doesn't like somebody in particular, that somebody can be buried or fired if JBL wants that somebody to be fired or buried. Yikes! He should be switched from Smackdown to Raw.
I know what you're wondering: Where the hell is Kevin Thorne?!? You had picked him to win the Royal Rumble in January... you had picked him to score the decisive pin in the New Breed v. ECW Originals match at Wrestlemania 23... you figured him a shoe-in to win the ECW Championship once Bobby Lashley had to vacate the title upon his move to Raw. Well, he performed a very dangerous move during a dark match and screwed it up. He could have seriously hurt his opponent and those in power - I guess JBL - got angry with him and are punishing him by not putting him on television. Our loss.
I could give you the results of Smackdown, but then why would you watch?
Chris Jericho is on the cover of next month's issue of WWE magazine. I guess that's it for the big surprise. In the world of fast-paced communication and state-of-the-are technology I'm glad to see that the Professional Wrestling community completely ignores the possibility of someone using the technology to communicate this 'big surprise.'
So, Yes: Chris Jericho WILL be on Raw 11/19 and No: Kevin Throne will not be on ECW 11/20. I guess that's life. You take the good and you take the bad.
However, I must report the truth... or at least what I hear from other people... or read on the Internet. JBL demanded that The Miz and John Morrisonitro (I'll stop using that name) apologize to Punk. The Miz apologized immediately and John Morrison told JBL to 'mind his own business.' They had to be separated by the other talent at one point. My money would have been on JBL. That dude is huge.
I seem to notice that JBL gets into disagreements with talent on a fairly regular basis. He's well respected by WWE upper-management and uses his position for political purposes, meaning if he doesn't like somebody in particular, that somebody can be buried or fired if JBL wants that somebody to be fired or buried. Yikes! He should be switched from Smackdown to Raw.
I know what you're wondering: Where the hell is Kevin Thorne?!? You had picked him to win the Royal Rumble in January... you had picked him to score the decisive pin in the New Breed v. ECW Originals match at Wrestlemania 23... you figured him a shoe-in to win the ECW Championship once Bobby Lashley had to vacate the title upon his move to Raw. Well, he performed a very dangerous move during a dark match and screwed it up. He could have seriously hurt his opponent and those in power - I guess JBL - got angry with him and are punishing him by not putting him on television. Our loss.
I could give you the results of Smackdown, but then why would you watch?
Chris Jericho is on the cover of next month's issue of WWE magazine. I guess that's it for the big surprise. In the world of fast-paced communication and state-of-the-are technology I'm glad to see that the Professional Wrestling community completely ignores the possibility of someone using the technology to communicate this 'big surprise.'
So, Yes: Chris Jericho WILL be on Raw 11/19 and No: Kevin Throne will not be on ECW 11/20. I guess that's life. You take the good and you take the bad.
Chris Jericho,
John Morrison,
The Miz,
Survivor Series 2007 Preview
Survivor Series has become the worst Pay-Per-View event of the year. It's treated like a high-profile event but delivers like an episode of ECW. When Survivor Series 2006 ended, I wanted to vomit. It was disgusting. It was uninteresting. It was bad wrestling and it was bad storytelling and it was worse than the worst card I could have thought off.
Survivor Series 2007 is shaping up to be the same... maybe a little better.
First off, I hate traditional Survivor Series matches. They were cool in the '80s because it was the only opportunity a wrestling fan had to see Hulk Hogan team up with the Ultimate Warrior and Demolition... or Randy Savage team up with Jake Roberts and the Rockers... I might be making up actual Survivor Series teams but I think you get the point. In today's over saturated professional wrestling market these sort of team-ups between 'superstars' happen more often than not. The WWE has to book 3 main events every week so it's near impossible for team-ups not to happen and story lines not to cross.
A traditional Survivor Series match is lame because at least five 'superstars' have to be eliminated within twenty minutes. This means that there are some cheese ball pins and submissions. There are no high-points and there has to be time for each 'superstar' to perform his signature move. Ugh. Just thinking about this match makes me wonder why The Kidd is ordering the PPV.
The match up:
Triple H, Rey Mysterio, The Hardys, and Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finlay, and Big Daddy V.
It doesn't matter who wins or who pins who. It's for the kids and I'm not looking forward to it.
10 Divas Tag Team Match? I don't care. Whatever.
Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali? Ok. Am I taking this match seriously? Because the WWE seems to be taking it seriously. It's a bad joke. And the worst part of the joke is that Hornswoggle is a better wrestler than Khali.
Batista vs. The Undertaker Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship? I'm interested. Will Taker get his belt back? Who can say 'no' to a Hell in a Cell match? Well, if you book it along side this other garbola, I might say 'no.' I think The Undertaker will get the World Title back as the original plan was for him to carry from Wrestlemania 23 until Wrestlemania 24. And remember that Edge is on the promo for Survivor Series. He's cleared to return to the ring. He is going to show up and do something... I think... I hope.
Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship? Well, there is one way that this match can be interesting. That one way is this: if Michaels puts Orton in a sharpshooter while Vince McMahon is at ringside and Vince orders the bell to be rung and awards Shawn Michaels the WWE Championship without Orton having tapped out. Unfortunately, I doubt something creative like that would happen. At this point in his career, Shawn Michaels would not turn heel. And if he would, I doubt he would be quick to remind wrestling fans of the Montreal Screwjob. Maybe I'm wrong... hopefully I'm wrong.
Anyway, I'm going to watch the Survivor Series not because I will enjoy it but because I feel it is my duty as Chief WWE Correspondent.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
Survivor Series 2007 is shaping up to be the same... maybe a little better.
First off, I hate traditional Survivor Series matches. They were cool in the '80s because it was the only opportunity a wrestling fan had to see Hulk Hogan team up with the Ultimate Warrior and Demolition... or Randy Savage team up with Jake Roberts and the Rockers... I might be making up actual Survivor Series teams but I think you get the point. In today's over saturated professional wrestling market these sort of team-ups between 'superstars' happen more often than not. The WWE has to book 3 main events every week so it's near impossible for team-ups not to happen and story lines not to cross.
A traditional Survivor Series match is lame because at least five 'superstars' have to be eliminated within twenty minutes. This means that there are some cheese ball pins and submissions. There are no high-points and there has to be time for each 'superstar' to perform his signature move. Ugh. Just thinking about this match makes me wonder why The Kidd is ordering the PPV.
The match up:
Triple H, Rey Mysterio, The Hardys, and Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finlay, and Big Daddy V.
It doesn't matter who wins or who pins who. It's for the kids and I'm not looking forward to it.
10 Divas Tag Team Match? I don't care. Whatever.
Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali? Ok. Am I taking this match seriously? Because the WWE seems to be taking it seriously. It's a bad joke. And the worst part of the joke is that Hornswoggle is a better wrestler than Khali.
Batista vs. The Undertaker Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship? I'm interested. Will Taker get his belt back? Who can say 'no' to a Hell in a Cell match? Well, if you book it along side this other garbola, I might say 'no.' I think The Undertaker will get the World Title back as the original plan was for him to carry from Wrestlemania 23 until Wrestlemania 24. And remember that Edge is on the promo for Survivor Series. He's cleared to return to the ring. He is going to show up and do something... I think... I hope.
Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship? Well, there is one way that this match can be interesting. That one way is this: if Michaels puts Orton in a sharpshooter while Vince McMahon is at ringside and Vince orders the bell to be rung and awards Shawn Michaels the WWE Championship without Orton having tapped out. Unfortunately, I doubt something creative like that would happen. At this point in his career, Shawn Michaels would not turn heel. And if he would, I doubt he would be quick to remind wrestling fans of the Montreal Screwjob. Maybe I'm wrong... hopefully I'm wrong.
Anyway, I'm going to watch the Survivor Series not because I will enjoy it but because I feel it is my duty as Chief WWE Correspondent.
Peace Out
-Seannie Wan
Hulk Hogan,
Randy Orton,
Shawn Michaels,
Survivor Series,
The Ultimate Warrior,
The Undertaker,
Couple of Quickies...
Rumors have been circulating that CM Punk had bashed both ECW and the ECW Championship during a radio interview. Rumors have also circulated that CM Punk would be booked to drop his title because of these comments. These are untrue rumors.
This is the actual quote by CM Punk: "I've got a decent spot, I'm at all the pay-per-views defending my title but I do feel that ECW is a little bit of the redheaded stepchild of WWE. But that's not all negative, either. I actually embrace that."
No big deal. He's right too. CM Punk is too smart and too hungry and too respectful to say anything damaging or demeaning about World Wrestling Entertainment. He has such a bright future with the company and he is well aware of it.
Also, Joannie Laurner... or whatever the hell her name is... has officially changed her name to Chyna and upon exiting the court at which her name was legally changed she challenged Vince McMahon to a fight... a REAL fight. I believe after that she went home and smoked crack.
Apparently, TNA tried to create some mysterious messages - much like the 'save_us' videos but more like a puzzle that the internet browser visiting TNAWRESTLING.COM can solve - on their website presenting clues on Sting's mystery partner at 'Genesis.' Lame...
I'm going to purchase Bret Hart's new book... and Chris Jericho's new book... but not Dave Batista's new book... although I may buy Greg Batista's new book... I'm still unsure about that one.
This is the actual quote by CM Punk: "I've got a decent spot, I'm at all the pay-per-views defending my title but I do feel that ECW is a little bit of the redheaded stepchild of WWE. But that's not all negative, either. I actually embrace that."
No big deal. He's right too. CM Punk is too smart and too hungry and too respectful to say anything damaging or demeaning about World Wrestling Entertainment. He has such a bright future with the company and he is well aware of it.
Also, Joannie Laurner... or whatever the hell her name is... has officially changed her name to Chyna and upon exiting the court at which her name was legally changed she challenged Vince McMahon to a fight... a REAL fight. I believe after that she went home and smoked crack.
Apparently, TNA tried to create some mysterious messages - much like the 'save_us' videos but more like a puzzle that the internet browser visiting TNAWRESTLING.COM can solve - on their website presenting clues on Sting's mystery partner at 'Genesis.' Lame...
I'm going to purchase Bret Hart's new book... and Chris Jericho's new book... but not Dave Batista's new book... although I may buy Greg Batista's new book... I'm still unsure about that one.
Y2J on O and A
I guess at this point it's pretty obvious Chris Jericho is appearing on Raw on November 19th... I mean, I've been blogging about it all month. In case you're not sick of it yet, here's a pretty cool video of Jericho with pseudo-shock jocks Opie and Anthony. He discusses the 'save_us' promos as much as Stephanie McMahon is allowing him to discuss it.
It is, after all, a big secret... a big code that we, the fan, must decipher.
It is, after all, a big secret... a big code that we, the fan, must decipher.
Opie and Anthony,
'Was That a Joke?' - Post-Raw Notes 11/13/07
Was that a joke? I mean, what was that? Was that a wrestling program? I have no idea what that was... I think it was a wrestling program because I thought I saw a wrestling match... or was it? I know I saw a bunch of women wrestling... I thought I saw some men wrestling... I guess it was a wrestling program.
I don't know how else to sum up the 11/12/07 edition of Monday Night Raw.
The 'debate' between 'The Legend Killer' and 'The Heartbreak Kid' was a piece of art that should be locked in a time capsule and blasted off into space so that if aggressive intelligent alien life finds it in their search for planets to conquer and enslave and watches the footage they will decide that our planet isn't even worth the effort it would take to conquer and enslave us. You know what? If the 'debate' is thought of in that way... Hell, Michaels and Orton may have just saved the planet Earth. They are heroes!
Besides saving our planet, what else did Raw accomplish last night?
The new 'save_us' promo all but guarantees us Chris Jericho live on Raw next Monday. It's no surprise, but it's nice to know that there is no way in hell that Jericho can't show up... and at this point, he will truly be saving_us. Hell... I think at this point I miss John Cena. At this point, I think Smackdown is by far... by far... a better brand.
I'm angry at the WWE right now. They aren't entertaining and what's worse is that they aren't trying to entertain. I hate to knock professionals. I'm sure the talent wasn't sitting around in the locker room planning a horrible show. It's just that I watch TNA and I wonder how the creative team with WWE can't give a little more effort or show a greater sense of urgency. The best they've been able to do over the last month was drag out Steve Austin to push his box office dud that should have been straight to DVD in the first place and to reunite a stable that is better off unreunited (and yes, I have trademarked the term 'unreunited' and yes, you must pay me royalties if you wish to use it and yes, that includes The Kidd).
I fear for World Wrestling Entertainment. It's not entertaining and it doesn't seem to be headed in the direction of entertainment. It's easy to knock WWE right now and anybody can do it... especially fair weather fans who haven't watched a WWE program in a few years. I hate hearing people say things like 'It used to be awesome when The Rock was around. Remember the New Age Outlaws? What happened to Val Venis?' Those people aren't ever going to be impressed by a WWE product again. I'm not asking for Vince McMahon to bring back the late '90s. I'm just asking Vince and his creative team to make an effort. Tell me an interesting story and book some interesting matches. Ahhh... maybe it's more difficult than I think it is.
At this point, I don't think Chris Jericho is going to make much of a difference. And to be honest, I don't think he's going to be returning on a full-time basis. I think he's going to make a few appearances and work a couple of matches to push the crap out of his book and then he's going to go on the Fozzy 2008 reunion tour.
High point of the night: As much as I'm bashing last night's Raw, there were a few high points. The highest point of all of these high points was Santino Marella. This guy makes me laugh everytime he takes the microphone which is saying allot. Honestly, I have fun everytime he shows up. I don't care much for his in-ring ability, but I'm not sure the WWE is even interested in that sort of thing anymore. Also, the new 'save_us' video pretty much guaranteed Chris Jericho on Raw next Monday. As far as in-ring action, the Rey Mysterio double 619 into a Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb on M.V.P. (who is, by the way, the winner of the 2nd Worst Name in Pro-Wrestling Award) for the victory was pretty sweet.
I have nothing else to say.
Peace out...
- Seannie Wan
I don't know how else to sum up the 11/12/07 edition of Monday Night Raw.
The 'debate' between 'The Legend Killer' and 'The Heartbreak Kid' was a piece of art that should be locked in a time capsule and blasted off into space so that if aggressive intelligent alien life finds it in their search for planets to conquer and enslave and watches the footage they will decide that our planet isn't even worth the effort it would take to conquer and enslave us. You know what? If the 'debate' is thought of in that way... Hell, Michaels and Orton may have just saved the planet Earth. They are heroes!
Besides saving our planet, what else did Raw accomplish last night?
The new 'save_us' promo all but guarantees us Chris Jericho live on Raw next Monday. It's no surprise, but it's nice to know that there is no way in hell that Jericho can't show up... and at this point, he will truly be saving_us. Hell... I think at this point I miss John Cena. At this point, I think Smackdown is by far... by far... a better brand.
I'm angry at the WWE right now. They aren't entertaining and what's worse is that they aren't trying to entertain. I hate to knock professionals. I'm sure the talent wasn't sitting around in the locker room planning a horrible show. It's just that I watch TNA and I wonder how the creative team with WWE can't give a little more effort or show a greater sense of urgency. The best they've been able to do over the last month was drag out Steve Austin to push his box office dud that should have been straight to DVD in the first place and to reunite a stable that is better off unreunited (and yes, I have trademarked the term 'unreunited' and yes, you must pay me royalties if you wish to use it and yes, that includes The Kidd).
I fear for World Wrestling Entertainment. It's not entertaining and it doesn't seem to be headed in the direction of entertainment. It's easy to knock WWE right now and anybody can do it... especially fair weather fans who haven't watched a WWE program in a few years. I hate hearing people say things like 'It used to be awesome when The Rock was around. Remember the New Age Outlaws? What happened to Val Venis?' Those people aren't ever going to be impressed by a WWE product again. I'm not asking for Vince McMahon to bring back the late '90s. I'm just asking Vince and his creative team to make an effort. Tell me an interesting story and book some interesting matches. Ahhh... maybe it's more difficult than I think it is.
At this point, I don't think Chris Jericho is going to make much of a difference. And to be honest, I don't think he's going to be returning on a full-time basis. I think he's going to make a few appearances and work a couple of matches to push the crap out of his book and then he's going to go on the Fozzy 2008 reunion tour.
High point of the night: As much as I'm bashing last night's Raw, there were a few high points. The highest point of all of these high points was Santino Marella. This guy makes me laugh everytime he takes the microphone which is saying allot. Honestly, I have fun everytime he shows up. I don't care much for his in-ring ability, but I'm not sure the WWE is even interested in that sort of thing anymore. Also, the new 'save_us' video pretty much guaranteed Chris Jericho on Raw next Monday. As far as in-ring action, the Rey Mysterio double 619 into a Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb on M.V.P. (who is, by the way, the winner of the 2nd Worst Name in Pro-Wrestling Award) for the victory was pretty sweet.
I have nothing else to say.
Peace out...
- Seannie Wan
Chris Jericho,
Randy Orton,
Shawn Michaels,
Pre-Raw Notes 11/12/07
Carlito is as good as gone from the WWE roster. Last week he requested his release from the promotion/company due to his unhappiness concerning the direction of his character.
The WWE did not release him upon his request but will most likely do so this upcoming week.
So, if Carlito appears on Raw tonight, be sure to soak it in for it may be the last time that you ever see him on a WWE program. Also, his merchandise is on clearance, so if you ever thought to yourself 'man, I really want that Carlito shirt with the apple on it,' now is probably the best time to follow through on your desires.
Speaking of merchandise, I was wondering if it's possible to purchase Wrestlemania 20 with the main event of Benoit v. Michaels v. Helmsley included. I'll check it out and report my research later on tonight.
Lumberjack match tonight!!! Triple H v. Umaga... Neat! Also, Vince McMahon will be in the ring with Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton as a mediator. I'm not sure what they will discuss or even what the point of the meeting will be.
I'm thinking tonight's Raw will be LAME. I don't think anymore heat can be added to the Survivor Series card. There just isn't anything going on. Hopefully it's a calm before the storm... with the storm being a really killer PPV and Chris Jericho's return on Raw next Monday 11/19.
The Kidd really seemed to enjoy the TNA 'Genesis' PPV. I liked it, but not as much as The Kidd. The entire presentation still seems a little amateur to me. I'm not speaking on the talent level - which at times is better than the WWE - but the technical television presentation of the program(s). Super-duper big kudos to Christian Cage and Kaz. That was one helluva match they worked. Kaz is a very talented performer with zero charisma and the worst name in professional wrestling (I won't comment further on Kaz's name and personality as it is not my place, as chief WWE correspondent for Outside Interference Wrestling, to shoot on Total Nonstop Action). Also, the Jay Lethal v. Sonjay Dutt match was way above average... not classic... not amazing... but pretty damn good.
In summation, I'm not excited about Raw... I'm not too excited about Survivor Series, but obviously more excited than I am about Raw... I am excited about the 11/19 Raw presupposing I see the 2nd Coming of Chris Jericho. If I don't see the 2nd Coming of Chris Jericho on Raw next week, the WWE better show me the 2nd Coming of Christ because it'd be the only way to make up the disappointment I would feel. I have faith though.
Check back later for Post-Raw notes and check back manana (tomorrow) for my Survivor Series 2007 preview.
Peace out.
- Seannie Wan
The WWE did not release him upon his request but will most likely do so this upcoming week.
So, if Carlito appears on Raw tonight, be sure to soak it in for it may be the last time that you ever see him on a WWE program. Also, his merchandise is on clearance, so if you ever thought to yourself 'man, I really want that Carlito shirt with the apple on it,' now is probably the best time to follow through on your desires.
Speaking of merchandise, I was wondering if it's possible to purchase Wrestlemania 20 with the main event of Benoit v. Michaels v. Helmsley included. I'll check it out and report my research later on tonight.
Lumberjack match tonight!!! Triple H v. Umaga... Neat! Also, Vince McMahon will be in the ring with Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton as a mediator. I'm not sure what they will discuss or even what the point of the meeting will be.
I'm thinking tonight's Raw will be LAME. I don't think anymore heat can be added to the Survivor Series card. There just isn't anything going on. Hopefully it's a calm before the storm... with the storm being a really killer PPV and Chris Jericho's return on Raw next Monday 11/19.
The Kidd really seemed to enjoy the TNA 'Genesis' PPV. I liked it, but not as much as The Kidd. The entire presentation still seems a little amateur to me. I'm not speaking on the talent level - which at times is better than the WWE - but the technical television presentation of the program(s). Super-duper big kudos to Christian Cage and Kaz. That was one helluva match they worked. Kaz is a very talented performer with zero charisma and the worst name in professional wrestling (I won't comment further on Kaz's name and personality as it is not my place, as chief WWE correspondent for Outside Interference Wrestling, to shoot on Total Nonstop Action). Also, the Jay Lethal v. Sonjay Dutt match was way above average... not classic... not amazing... but pretty damn good.
In summation, I'm not excited about Raw... I'm not too excited about Survivor Series, but obviously more excited than I am about Raw... I am excited about the 11/19 Raw presupposing I see the 2nd Coming of Chris Jericho. If I don't see the 2nd Coming of Chris Jericho on Raw next week, the WWE better show me the 2nd Coming of Christ because it'd be the only way to make up the disappointment I would feel. I have faith though.
Check back later for Post-Raw notes and check back manana (tomorrow) for my Survivor Series 2007 preview.
Peace out.
- Seannie Wan
Shawn Michaels,
Triple H,
Vince McMahon,
November 19th?
I'm really hoping that I see Chris Jericho on Raw on November 19th. I feel as though I'd be happy if I see him on November 19th. I really don't see how I cannot see him. I'm willing to wager allot of money that he'll be there.
Chris Jericho,
Dave.... for the love of all that is Holy... it's Dave...
My lack of respect for Batista must be crystal clear at this point. It's ironic because in actuality my respect for Batista has grown considerably over the last few months.
Regardless... I was under the impression that Batista's first name was Dave. Then, I came to the conclusion that his first name was not Dave but Greg... Greg Batista. The Kidd claimed responsibility for my misinformation.
Well, we're both misinformed. Batista's first name is Dave... not Greg. He is Dave Batista. He is the World Heavyweight Champion. I don't know who Greg Batista is, but I'm sure he is a wonderful person. However, Greg Batista is not the World Heavyweight Champion.
Dave, on behalf of the editorial team here at Outside Interference Wrestling, please accept our sincerest apologies. And to our fans and loyal readers, please do not assume that just because our research team here at Outside Interference Wrestling is misinformed that we are not well informed and up-to-date on all the happenings in the world of professional wrestling. We apologize for the confusion... especially if Batista is your favorite wrestler and you wanted to get a tattoo of his name on your back and you wanted his first name included in the tattoo and you weren't sure what it was and you decided you could check out Outside Interference Wrestling for that information and you found that we had stated that Batista's first name was Greg and you went ahead and got 'Greg Batista' tattooed on your back... our bad.
Now and for all time, 'The Batista First Name Issue' has been resolved. It is Dave.
Check back for The Kidd's TNA 'Genesis' review and my Raw and WWE 'Survivor Series' preview.
Regardless... I was under the impression that Batista's first name was Dave. Then, I came to the conclusion that his first name was not Dave but Greg... Greg Batista. The Kidd claimed responsibility for my misinformation.
Well, we're both misinformed. Batista's first name is Dave... not Greg. He is Dave Batista. He is the World Heavyweight Champion. I don't know who Greg Batista is, but I'm sure he is a wonderful person. However, Greg Batista is not the World Heavyweight Champion.
Dave, on behalf of the editorial team here at Outside Interference Wrestling, please accept our sincerest apologies. And to our fans and loyal readers, please do not assume that just because our research team here at Outside Interference Wrestling is misinformed that we are not well informed and up-to-date on all the happenings in the world of professional wrestling. We apologize for the confusion... especially if Batista is your favorite wrestler and you wanted to get a tattoo of his name on your back and you wanted his first name included in the tattoo and you weren't sure what it was and you decided you could check out Outside Interference Wrestling for that information and you found that we had stated that Batista's first name was Greg and you went ahead and got 'Greg Batista' tattooed on your back... our bad.
Now and for all time, 'The Batista First Name Issue' has been resolved. It is Dave.
Check back for The Kidd's TNA 'Genesis' review and my Raw and WWE 'Survivor Series' preview.
theKidd's tNa Genesis results are in, and i only lost one match!!
That's right, damn aj styles and tomko went off script i tell ya!! Don't argue with fate. So I called every other match correctly though, and that's real, that's really super-damn real. This includes two matches I went out on a limb for by backing the underdog. So that's cool. I thought the show was very good, altogether. That basically means it fulfilled my own personal expectations of this card at this time in history. Genesis entertained me as a wrestling fan watching a wrestling product, not comically, or at least nearly as comically as will the Survivor Series next week.
Several matches deserve and will be granted a rewatch.
Black Macho Man and Sonjay Dutt stole the show for me personally. Great wrestling, the two work great together, and they played excellently off the back stories of being friends, both faces, the whole gimmick thing and how that got involved and there were emotions flaring, it was nice. A story unfolded i believe, and by the end, even though the belt didn't change i feel like a change occured with both men and how they view each other. Really good job boys.
Great job for booker nice debut.
Congratulations to Kaz on winning and for putting on a hell of a ladder match and good job Instant Classic for the latter(pun intended) only, sorry Champ.
One Final Congrats...that's right, the big one. The reception of my one and only big shout out for the evening of 111107 is shared by both members of the Motor City Machine Guns for winning the biggest upset of the night with a team close to twice the size of them, and whose inring accomplishments need not be listed, the Dugly boys. Not only do they get the big Shout out for that but they get a double big shout out- if you(the reader) will excuse my laziness with the shift button-just for putting on such a great match with the dudley boys. I'm sorry but it needs to be said. Somebodies way too big, physically.
So motor city machine guns, i salute you(left index to right palm{i think i got it wrong last time})
Anyone who voted for kaz v Angle as a future main event(me only), good job.
A correction from earlier on the recurring Outside Interference *exclusive* contraversy involving ???? Batista's name in the WWe after he was Deacon Batista but before he was and is ____ Batista. This is an issue that's documented, factually numerous places on the internet and in wrestling libraries, and can be easily uncovered by myself or Sean, perhaps if we spent less time blogging. But that's the sacrifice we make, and it's worth it every damn day. But any way to save time and brain space i am 89.5% sure the answer is dave and 100% sure the answer can be found elsewhere on the internet. So there, some from free promotion for the rest of the internet.
I'm Liam the Kidd(left index meets right palm now)
Several matches deserve and will be granted a rewatch.
Black Macho Man and Sonjay Dutt stole the show for me personally. Great wrestling, the two work great together, and they played excellently off the back stories of being friends, both faces, the whole gimmick thing and how that got involved and there were emotions flaring, it was nice. A story unfolded i believe, and by the end, even though the belt didn't change i feel like a change occured with both men and how they view each other. Really good job boys.
Great job for booker nice debut.
Congratulations to Kaz on winning and for putting on a hell of a ladder match and good job Instant Classic for the latter(pun intended) only, sorry Champ.
One Final Congrats...that's right, the big one. The reception of my one and only big shout out for the evening of 111107 is shared by both members of the Motor City Machine Guns for winning the biggest upset of the night with a team close to twice the size of them, and whose inring accomplishments need not be listed, the Dugly boys. Not only do they get the big Shout out for that but they get a double big shout out- if you(the reader) will excuse my laziness with the shift button-just for putting on such a great match with the dudley boys. I'm sorry but it needs to be said. Somebodies way too big, physically.
So motor city machine guns, i salute you(left index to right palm{i think i got it wrong last time})
Anyone who voted for kaz v Angle as a future main event(me only), good job.
A correction from earlier on the recurring Outside Interference *exclusive* contraversy involving ???? Batista's name in the WWe after he was Deacon Batista but before he was and is ____ Batista. This is an issue that's documented, factually numerous places on the internet and in wrestling libraries, and can be easily uncovered by myself or Sean, perhaps if we spent less time blogging. But that's the sacrifice we make, and it's worth it every damn day. But any way to save time and brain space i am 89.5% sure the answer is dave and 100% sure the answer can be found elsewhere on the internet. So there, some from free promotion for the rest of the internet.
I'm Liam the Kidd(left index meets right palm now)
Booker T,
Kevin Nash,
Kurt Angle,
The Kidd's View: tNa Genesis
Card for tonights grandios spectaculaur, tNa Genesis:
Kurt Angle(c) and Kevin Nash vs. Sting and a Mystery Partner
Kidd picks: Angle!! It's real, it's damn real bc the value of the world title outweighs the shock value of having Kevin Nash or King Booker win the belt in their return/debut, respectively. As for Sting winning, can somebody say Rock/Mankind?
“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal vs. “The Guru” Sonjay Dutt
Kidd picks: Jay Lethal!! who will be delivering wrestling manuevers versus hugs and handshakes
AJ Styles and Tomko (c) vs. The Steiner Brothers
Kidd picks: The Steiners, and hopefully the end of AJ as a lacky.
Gail Kim (c) vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams
Kidd picks: Gail Kim, the only knockout who didn't get to hold the belt on Impact.
Kaz vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage
Kidd picks: Kazarian to let new blood flow into the title picture. Sorry Champ.
Abyss vs. Black Reign
Kidd picks: Abyss bc he imitates others but ups the anty, which is better than imitating himself and making it lame, in my view.
“The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks
Kidd picks: Samoa Joe bc do I have some sense.
Team 3D vs. The Motor City Machineguns
Kidd picks: Motor City Machineguns because they rule and there my favorite. Can't wait for this one. (right index to left palm)
Do you want me to say that this pay perview is going to be sick?, because it is. Would you like to hear that even though some of tNa's storylines aren't the greatest or freshest in history, their in-ring action and it's frequency help the product to be undeniably better than it's currently higher rated competition, because all that's true too. Read it again if necessary. So sit back, relax and watch the action unfold itself and tNa delivers as it always does.
Unrelatedly, i take full responsibility for Sean's Dave Batista/Greg Batista mishap. I think I planted the seed in his(Sean's) head that Greg Batista(Batista) used to go by Dave Batista(wrong) and not Greg Batista(again, real Batista) because either a) that's just how i remembered it, or b)I wanted Sean to believe that about Greg Batista(real Batista) because I thought the name Dave was just more fitting of such a high-class warrior, or animal. Well which was it, you ask? You decide!
Kurt Angle(c) and Kevin Nash vs. Sting and a Mystery Partner
Kidd picks: Angle!! It's real, it's damn real bc the value of the world title outweighs the shock value of having Kevin Nash or King Booker win the belt in their return/debut, respectively. As for Sting winning, can somebody say Rock/Mankind?
“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal vs. “The Guru” Sonjay Dutt
Kidd picks: Jay Lethal!! who will be delivering wrestling manuevers versus hugs and handshakes
AJ Styles and Tomko (c) vs. The Steiner Brothers
Kidd picks: The Steiners, and hopefully the end of AJ as a lacky.
Gail Kim (c) vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams
Kidd picks: Gail Kim, the only knockout who didn't get to hold the belt on Impact.
Kaz vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage
Kidd picks: Kazarian to let new blood flow into the title picture. Sorry Champ.
Abyss vs. Black Reign
Kidd picks: Abyss bc he imitates others but ups the anty, which is better than imitating himself and making it lame, in my view.
“The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks
Kidd picks: Samoa Joe bc do I have some sense.
Team 3D vs. The Motor City Machineguns
Kidd picks: Motor City Machineguns because they rule and there my favorite. Can't wait for this one. (right index to left palm)
Do you want me to say that this pay perview is going to be sick?, because it is. Would you like to hear that even though some of tNa's storylines aren't the greatest or freshest in history, their in-ring action and it's frequency help the product to be undeniably better than it's currently higher rated competition, because all that's true too. Read it again if necessary. So sit back, relax and watch the action unfold itself and tNa delivers as it always does.
Unrelatedly, i take full responsibility for Sean's Dave Batista/Greg Batista mishap. I think I planted the seed in his(Sean's) head that Greg Batista(Batista) used to go by Dave Batista(wrong) and not Greg Batista(again, real Batista) because either a) that's just how i remembered it, or b)I wanted Sean to believe that about Greg Batista(real Batista) because I thought the name Dave was just more fitting of such a high-class warrior, or animal. Well which was it, you ask? You decide!
Kurt Angle,
Mystery Partner,
The Rock,
The Kidd bought me the 'McMahon' DVD for my birthday. It focuses on the difference between his in-ring, television persona and his real life personality traits. Why am I mentioning this? Well, absolutely nothing is going on in the WWE today - unless you want to consider Fit Finlay's legit, clean win over Rey Mysterio as big news - and I thought the DVD brought up some interesting points.
First, without Vince McMahon's Mr. McMahon character, Steve Austin would not have been as huge as he was and the WWE would not have experienced the resurgence that it did. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. Steve Austin is a fantastic performer and his 'attitude' was the basis for the WWE 'Attitude.' But he needed a villain, and he was basically a heel character himself. Without Mr. McMahon as the evil boss, who exactly is Steve Austin feuding with? The Nation of Domination?
Also, there was a chapter concerning the Brand Expansion. Allot of people I talk to hate it. To be honest, I kind of hate it also. But it's not going anywhere ever. I understand that the shows would be better because there would be more than enough talent. Right now with the roster division, the talent is a bit thin. However, the WWE makes more money this way. They can tour two continents at once. Think about it. Would Vince McMahon sacrifice literally cutting his profits in half in order to produce better shows? No. Nobody would.
So, while I may get disappointed every other week, or every two out of three weeks, or maybe 4 out of 12 months, it's not going to change anything. Raw is the Raw brand and will always be touring separately from Smackdown, which is the Smackdown brand. The pay-per-views have been consolidated, which is the best thing possible in today's wrestling world.
I'm looking forward to the 'Genesis' Pay-Per-View. I'm sure The Kidd will give his preview later today... as the PPV is tomorrow and a preview tomorrow would be less of a preview and more of a view... and if his preview takes place Monday, it will be less of a view and more of a synopsis... and any later than that it'd be proof of laziness on our part... even though it's possible we're the only people reading our blog.
It's a confusing world.
First, without Vince McMahon's Mr. McMahon character, Steve Austin would not have been as huge as he was and the WWE would not have experienced the resurgence that it did. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. Steve Austin is a fantastic performer and his 'attitude' was the basis for the WWE 'Attitude.' But he needed a villain, and he was basically a heel character himself. Without Mr. McMahon as the evil boss, who exactly is Steve Austin feuding with? The Nation of Domination?
Also, there was a chapter concerning the Brand Expansion. Allot of people I talk to hate it. To be honest, I kind of hate it also. But it's not going anywhere ever. I understand that the shows would be better because there would be more than enough talent. Right now with the roster division, the talent is a bit thin. However, the WWE makes more money this way. They can tour two continents at once. Think about it. Would Vince McMahon sacrifice literally cutting his profits in half in order to produce better shows? No. Nobody would.
So, while I may get disappointed every other week, or every two out of three weeks, or maybe 4 out of 12 months, it's not going to change anything. Raw is the Raw brand and will always be touring separately from Smackdown, which is the Smackdown brand. The pay-per-views have been consolidated, which is the best thing possible in today's wrestling world.
I'm looking forward to the 'Genesis' Pay-Per-View. I'm sure The Kidd will give his preview later today... as the PPV is tomorrow and a preview tomorrow would be less of a preview and more of a view... and if his preview takes place Monday, it will be less of a view and more of a synopsis... and any later than that it'd be proof of laziness on our part... even though it's possible we're the only people reading our blog.
It's a confusing world.
Vince McMahon,
Impact Preview
Happy Birthday Sean. These notes and previews are dedicated to Sean, the birthday boy!!
Not to mention I, Liam the kidd, am the official tNa(see how i did that, that's mine, I own it) opinion person, (p)review 'staff' writer for Outside Interference(this thing). Now then, the card for tonights previously recorded episode of Impact reads(spoiler free {i think, unless the Scott Hall thing is booked as a 'surprise' thing}) like this:
>Scott Hall makes return to TNA alongside friend Kevin Nash and answers 'rumors' reguarding his involvement in Genesis main event..
>Sting, Samoa Joe & Eric Young vs. TNA world champ Kurt Angle, James Storm & Robert Roode.
>Christian Cage vs. Kaz in the Fight for Your Right tournament Final.
>TNA Knockout champion Gail Kim defends her title...opponent tbd.
>Team 3D vs. X-Division champion Jay Lethal & Abyss.
>AJ Styles vs. Scott Steiner in amateur takedown challenge.
>Also appearing will be Kevin Nash, Tomko, Karen Angle, Black Reign, Matt Morgan, The Motor City Machineguns, the TNA Knockouts, Rick Steiner and more.
Should be quite an exciting show for tNa with a nice return, some nice matches, and on the heels of their most -old school video game console sounding- named pay per view, perhaps ever.
More on this show after it or sometime this weekend with genesis updates and final card!Stay informed!
>Scott Hall makes return to TNA alongside friend Kevin Nash and answers 'rumors' reguarding his involvement in Genesis main event..
>Sting, Samoa Joe & Eric Young vs. TNA world champ Kurt Angle, James Storm & Robert Roode.
>Christian Cage vs. Kaz in the Fight for Your Right tournament Final.
>TNA Knockout champion Gail Kim defends her title...opponent tbd.
>Team 3D vs. X-Division champion Jay Lethal & Abyss.
>AJ Styles vs. Scott Steiner in amateur takedown challenge.
>Also appearing will be Kevin Nash, Tomko, Karen Angle, Black Reign, Matt Morgan, The Motor City Machineguns, the TNA Knockouts, Rick Steiner and more.
Should be quite an exciting show for tNa with a nice return, some nice matches, and on the heels of their most -old school video game console sounding- named pay per view, perhaps ever.
More on this show after it or sometime this weekend with genesis updates and final card!Stay informed!
Random Notes 11/6
Chris Jericho will 'save_us' for sure on the November 19th Raw. It's the Raw immediately after the Survivor Series.
Shawn Michaels can't use the 'Sweet Shin Music' in his match with Randy Orton at the Survivor Series... that's the stipulation... wow.
Junior Fatu was released by TNA because he wanted more money than he was making and TNA wasn't impressed with his work.
Kelly Kelly is going to get a major push... or at least as major a push as a WWE Diva can get.
Tomko is pushing for TNA to do IMPACT at the Tokyo Dome in... Tokyo.
Scott Hall is going to be on IMPACT this Thursday... I haven't been this excited since D-Generation X appeared on Raw last night.
Finally, it's cold out.
Shawn Michaels can't use the 'Sweet Shin Music' in his match with Randy Orton at the Survivor Series... that's the stipulation... wow.
Junior Fatu was released by TNA because he wanted more money than he was making and TNA wasn't impressed with his work.
Kelly Kelly is going to get a major push... or at least as major a push as a WWE Diva can get.
Tomko is pushing for TNA to do IMPACT at the Tokyo Dome in... Tokyo.
Scott Hall is going to be on IMPACT this Thursday... I haven't been this excited since D-Generation X appeared on Raw last night.
Finally, it's cold out.
Post-Raw Notes
Wow! D-Generation X and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin?!? Somebody pinch me! Is it 1998 or something? Are we leading up to Wrestlemania 15? Because I could have sworn I just bought tickets for Wrestlemania 24!
I figured that D-X would open the show with something funny... they did! I figured Steve Austin would give somebody a stunner and drink a beer and offer that somebody a beer and stun them and spray them with beer and drink a beer and give the finger and stun that somebody in no particular order... he did! Wow!
I know that the WWE and the USA Network are looking to boost ratings and I know it's November sweeps... so of course the WWE is going to go with the formula that works... which is D-X crotch chop and a Stone Cold Stunner. I would have preferred a compelling story and a A+ match, but that's just me.
I hope they got their ratings... actually, I hope they didn't. I don't want anymore D-Generation X... for the love of heck... these guys are old!!!! D-X was supposed to be young and hip... not old and un-hip. I'm not trying to knock Hunter or Michaels. It's just that they should be doing different things. I hate rehashing things from the past.
And Steve Austin... either come back and wrestle and be around every week or retire and don't. I get sick of seeing you every other month... not that I don't want to see you, but I just can't get excited if I know I'll see you every other month. It's like seeing my grandma... except better... but still...
The audience's pop for both Austin and Mick Foley is getting less and less enthusiastic. This isn't going to fly for the WWE much longer. Stop focusing on the past and work on the present and the future. Steve Austin and Mick Foley are not the future.
So, that was Raw in a nutshell.
Highlight of Raw was the video tribute to The Fabulous Moolah which I have to admit was a little better than my blog dedicated to her... I'm kidding... it was much better than my blog dedicated to her.
I figured that D-X would open the show with something funny... they did! I figured Steve Austin would give somebody a stunner and drink a beer and offer that somebody a beer and stun them and spray them with beer and drink a beer and give the finger and stun that somebody in no particular order... he did! Wow!
I know that the WWE and the USA Network are looking to boost ratings and I know it's November sweeps... so of course the WWE is going to go with the formula that works... which is D-X crotch chop and a Stone Cold Stunner. I would have preferred a compelling story and a A+ match, but that's just me.
I hope they got their ratings... actually, I hope they didn't. I don't want anymore D-Generation X... for the love of heck... these guys are old!!!! D-X was supposed to be young and hip... not old and un-hip. I'm not trying to knock Hunter or Michaels. It's just that they should be doing different things. I hate rehashing things from the past.
And Steve Austin... either come back and wrestle and be around every week or retire and don't. I get sick of seeing you every other month... not that I don't want to see you, but I just can't get excited if I know I'll see you every other month. It's like seeing my grandma... except better... but still...
The audience's pop for both Austin and Mick Foley is getting less and less enthusiastic. This isn't going to fly for the WWE much longer. Stop focusing on the past and work on the present and the future. Steve Austin and Mick Foley are not the future.
So, that was Raw in a nutshell.
Highlight of Raw was the video tribute to The Fabulous Moolah which I have to admit was a little better than my blog dedicated to her... I'm kidding... it was much better than my blog dedicated to her.
Random Pre-Raw Notes
Chris Jericho was a guest on Opie and Anthony and got in a pretty heated argument with Jim Norton. Norton was 'poking fun' at Christopher Reeve - because I guess it's pretty funny to make fun of a paraplegic - and Jericho got angry and stated that he considered himself to be friends with Reeve post-mortem.
Christian Cage is booked to work a match with Booker T in Booker's PWA promotion. I take this as another sign that Booker is showing up in TNA. However, I think this move helps make TNA look more and more like WCW and less and less like the WWE. If you recall, and if you're reading a wrestling blog you have to recall, WCW signed wrestlers for shock value alone and to keep each episode of Monday Nitro fresh. It got to a point where Bryan Adams - rest his soul - was supposed to be a big surprise. Andrew Martin, Junior Fatu, and now Booker T.... seems like a very unstable locker room and roster to me. I wonder how A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels and all the other top-notch talent that are getting buried to make room for these 'proven starts' are feeling right now? I bet Jeff Jarrett doesn't have the happiest locker room at the moment.
I really hope there are no traditional Survivor Series matches at the Survivor Series because I hate traditional Survivor Series matches. I despised Survivor Series 2006 for that very reason... and also because the main event was Greg Batista challenging Booker T for the World Heavyweight Title with the stipulation being that if Greg Batista lost, he would never receive another title shot so long as Booker T was champion ever again. I feel as though that is always the case with Greg Batista whenever he isn't the World Heavyweight Champion. I don't want to bash Greg Batista because he has grown on me over the last few months. After seeing him live last Tuesday 10/30, I realized that he is a superstar and that he is a good worker and that he is a draw and that he is going to carry the WWE for the next decade. I think he is quite capable of it also. Working with The Undertaker is only going to make him better. His character just needs a better edge.
Speaking of Edge, I can't wait to see him again. He's still one of my favorites and the WWE has been missing him. He's a good heel when he isn't trying so hard, and he's a horrible face when he is trying hard. The problem with Edge is he tries to hard with his character. I still love him though... platoniclly.
I'm not not not excited to see Steve Austin tonight on Raw. I'm not not not excited to see D-Generation X tonight on Raw. I am excited to see Santino Marella (Morella?) tonight on Raw. I am excited to see Jeff Hardy team with Rey Mysterio tonight. I am excited to see Ken Kennedy on Raw tonight. There is still allot of work to be done, but I think WWE is going to be on the upswing soon enough.
I have allot of feelings on TNA, but that's The Kidd's department, so I'll give him the opportunity to comment on it.
As far as Outside Interference is concerned, we're going to be starting a few regular weekly columns. One will be a 'rumor mill column,' and another will be a 'spy vs. spy,' 'head to head,' 'opinion vs. opinion' match up between The Kidd and myself. Most importantly, we're preparing a list of the best 25 professional wrestlers of the last twenty years.
I have nothing else to say... and that's the bottom line... because Seannie Wan said so....
Christian Cage is booked to work a match with Booker T in Booker's PWA promotion. I take this as another sign that Booker is showing up in TNA. However, I think this move helps make TNA look more and more like WCW and less and less like the WWE. If you recall, and if you're reading a wrestling blog you have to recall, WCW signed wrestlers for shock value alone and to keep each episode of Monday Nitro fresh. It got to a point where Bryan Adams - rest his soul - was supposed to be a big surprise. Andrew Martin, Junior Fatu, and now Booker T.... seems like a very unstable locker room and roster to me. I wonder how A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels and all the other top-notch talent that are getting buried to make room for these 'proven starts' are feeling right now? I bet Jeff Jarrett doesn't have the happiest locker room at the moment.
I really hope there are no traditional Survivor Series matches at the Survivor Series because I hate traditional Survivor Series matches. I despised Survivor Series 2006 for that very reason... and also because the main event was Greg Batista challenging Booker T for the World Heavyweight Title with the stipulation being that if Greg Batista lost, he would never receive another title shot so long as Booker T was champion ever again. I feel as though that is always the case with Greg Batista whenever he isn't the World Heavyweight Champion. I don't want to bash Greg Batista because he has grown on me over the last few months. After seeing him live last Tuesday 10/30, I realized that he is a superstar and that he is a good worker and that he is a draw and that he is going to carry the WWE for the next decade. I think he is quite capable of it also. Working with The Undertaker is only going to make him better. His character just needs a better edge.
Speaking of Edge, I can't wait to see him again. He's still one of my favorites and the WWE has been missing him. He's a good heel when he isn't trying so hard, and he's a horrible face when he is trying hard. The problem with Edge is he tries to hard with his character. I still love him though... platoniclly.
I'm not not not excited to see Steve Austin tonight on Raw. I'm not not not excited to see D-Generation X tonight on Raw. I am excited to see Santino Marella (Morella?) tonight on Raw. I am excited to see Jeff Hardy team with Rey Mysterio tonight. I am excited to see Ken Kennedy on Raw tonight. There is still allot of work to be done, but I think WWE is going to be on the upswing soon enough.
I have allot of feelings on TNA, but that's The Kidd's department, so I'll give him the opportunity to comment on it.
As far as Outside Interference is concerned, we're going to be starting a few regular weekly columns. One will be a 'rumor mill column,' and another will be a 'spy vs. spy,' 'head to head,' 'opinion vs. opinion' match up between The Kidd and myself. Most importantly, we're preparing a list of the best 25 professional wrestlers of the last twenty years.
I have nothing else to say... and that's the bottom line... because Seannie Wan said so....
Mo' Steroids... Mo' Problems...
D.H. Smith has etched his and his father's name into history forever with his suspension. Never before have a father and a son both been suspended by the same promotion for failing a drug test of steroids.
Wow. Uhmmm... well, he seemed like he was going to be boring. I'm sure he'll get another chance somewhere down the road. Or maybe not. Maybe he can just mosey on down to Florida and sign up with TNA wrestling. They can find time for him if they drop just one segment of Kurt Angle's backstage antics. You know what? I'll leave TNA up to the Kidd. I don't want to bash it because I actually kind of enjoy it. I will say this: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling doesn't seem to know what direction it is going in. WWE doesn't seem to know either, but the WWE isn't on the brink of bankruptcy.
Also, 'The Masterpiece' Chris Masters has been suspended. I am really not not not into 'The Masterpiece.' He's boring. Helloooooo!!! It's 2007... you're going to tell me your finisher is a full-nelson? OK, guy. Good luck with that. Also, good luck being buried on the Smackdown roster. The Kidd informed me that he was booked against The Undertaker in Europe and he wasn't selling an arm injury so The Undertaker worked him stiff so that he would sell it. Then he got hurt because Taker worked him stiff. Now, he fails a drug test. Oh boy... this dude is going to be on TNA in no time.
Maybe someone should start a promotion that implores steroid abuse? D.H. Smith, Chris Masters, 'The Punisher' Andrew 'Test' Martin, Joey Mercury... these are all names that could get a promotion started. I guess it's a bad idea.
I'm looking forward to Raw tomorrow. I haven't seen D-generation X since... 1998... wait... I mean I haven't seen them in 10 months. Oh boy. Oh and Stone Cold! I haven't seen that guy since... well, I saw him at Cyber Sunday. For the love of all that is holy... This is why I love WWE OnDemand. It's all entertainment.
In case The Kidd fails to mention it, Samoa Joe is getting buried like The Undertaker in a buried alive match... except I have a feeling he will not return to fight Kane... actually maybe he will. Maybe Jarrett will bury him and he'll end up in the WWE against Kane. He hasn't signed a contract extension with TNA yet. Maybe he is looking to flirt with Vince McMahon a little? I guess we'll see.
Ok, I have nothing else to say tonight. Let me know what you think of the new layout... or don't. I don't care either way! Happy Sunday!
Wow. Uhmmm... well, he seemed like he was going to be boring. I'm sure he'll get another chance somewhere down the road. Or maybe not. Maybe he can just mosey on down to Florida and sign up with TNA wrestling. They can find time for him if they drop just one segment of Kurt Angle's backstage antics. You know what? I'll leave TNA up to the Kidd. I don't want to bash it because I actually kind of enjoy it. I will say this: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling doesn't seem to know what direction it is going in. WWE doesn't seem to know either, but the WWE isn't on the brink of bankruptcy.
Also, 'The Masterpiece' Chris Masters has been suspended. I am really not not not into 'The Masterpiece.' He's boring. Helloooooo!!! It's 2007... you're going to tell me your finisher is a full-nelson? OK, guy. Good luck with that. Also, good luck being buried on the Smackdown roster. The Kidd informed me that he was booked against The Undertaker in Europe and he wasn't selling an arm injury so The Undertaker worked him stiff so that he would sell it. Then he got hurt because Taker worked him stiff. Now, he fails a drug test. Oh boy... this dude is going to be on TNA in no time.
Maybe someone should start a promotion that implores steroid abuse? D.H. Smith, Chris Masters, 'The Punisher' Andrew 'Test' Martin, Joey Mercury... these are all names that could get a promotion started. I guess it's a bad idea.
I'm looking forward to Raw tomorrow. I haven't seen D-generation X since... 1998... wait... I mean I haven't seen them in 10 months. Oh boy. Oh and Stone Cold! I haven't seen that guy since... well, I saw him at Cyber Sunday. For the love of all that is holy... This is why I love WWE OnDemand. It's all entertainment.
In case The Kidd fails to mention it, Samoa Joe is getting buried like The Undertaker in a buried alive match... except I have a feeling he will not return to fight Kane... actually maybe he will. Maybe Jarrett will bury him and he'll end up in the WWE against Kane. He hasn't signed a contract extension with TNA yet. Maybe he is looking to flirt with Vince McMahon a little? I guess we'll see.
Ok, I have nothing else to say tonight. Let me know what you think of the new layout... or don't. I don't care either way! Happy Sunday!
The Fabulous Moolah
She's dead. She died yesterday. I'm not sure how and I'm not trying to make light of her death by being uninformed about it. I just heard it and I figured I'd report it.
I'm sure there will be mention of it on Monday. Uhhh... it sucks that people die? I guess... She was a great women's wrestler... probably the greatest ever?
I'm really not trying to make light of her death... I just don't have anything to say about her. I am glad that the WWE stopped with the Moolah/Mae Young angle. It was gross.
I guess I didn't do the Fabulous Moolah justice. Well, it wasn't from lack of effort. Although, I did no research or preparation. I kind of just blogged off the top of my head. So I guess I didn't put any effort into a proper eulogy.
Fuck it. Life moves on.
The Fabulous Moolah
???? - 2007
I'm sure there will be mention of it on Monday. Uhhh... it sucks that people die? I guess... She was a great women's wrestler... probably the greatest ever?
I'm really not trying to make light of her death... I just don't have anything to say about her. I am glad that the WWE stopped with the Moolah/Mae Young angle. It was gross.
I guess I didn't do the Fabulous Moolah justice. Well, it wasn't from lack of effort. Although, I did no research or preparation. I kind of just blogged off the top of my head. So I guess I didn't put any effort into a proper eulogy.
Fuck it. Life moves on.
The Fabulous Moolah
???? - 2007
The Rainbow Haired Warrior
The Kidd and myself attended the taping of Smackdown and the live ECW show at the Nassau Coliseum this past Tuesday. I won't bother with posting results of the matches because A. there were no matches worth mentioning relating to spoilers and B. if you haven't noticed yet, I am more concerned with the bigger picture... the business side of promotions... the direction of promotions... not so much the day-to-day matches that a promotion books.
The most important thing I saw at the Nassau Coliseum was a video package dedicated to Jeff Hardy while the cameras were off. Immediately following the video package was a video promotion for Wrestlemania 24. I've been saying for about a week and a half now that Jeff Hardy is going to receive a monster push. I was very surprised he was booked to lose to Ken Kennedy at Cyber Sunday. However, I still believe he is going to receive what I call 'The Wrestlemania Main Event Push.' This is a push for a mid-card wrestler that begins around Survivor Series, proceeds with a Royal Rumble win, and ends with a victory at Wrestlemania for the title. Batista received this push. Steve Austin received this push. Shawn Michaels received this push. I am certain Jeff Hardy is going to main event Wrestlemania 24.
Maybe Vince McMahon's original plan was a John Cena/Triple H rematch... yawn... or something along those lines. The WWE needs a fresh main-event guy and Jeff Hardy is that guy. He has been getting bigger pops that Shawn Michaels on recent Raw episodes and he is the most exciting in-ring performer on the roster. Granted, his microphone skills are non-existent, but his ability in the ring is what fans identify with and I think in today's wrestling environment, that's a beautiful thing. He is centimeters away from main-event ability. All he needs is a thoughtful push by Vince and the other powers-that-be.
I think the video package of Jeff Hardy highlights set to a rocking-yet-mellow dramatic song was a little test of the crowd. The cameras weren't rolling. I think the WWE was seeing just how popular Jeff Hardy is in the difficult wrestling environment of Long Island.
I guess we'll see.
Also, concerning the Y2Joke on us. The new date for the second-coming is November 19th. save_us.x29 was the next clue. On October 29th, a new video proclaimed 'Launch - 19.' November 19th is the Raw after the Survivor Series. I guess he's showing up there. I hope so for Vince's sake, because I'm beginning to really not care.
The most important thing I saw at the Nassau Coliseum was a video package dedicated to Jeff Hardy while the cameras were off. Immediately following the video package was a video promotion for Wrestlemania 24. I've been saying for about a week and a half now that Jeff Hardy is going to receive a monster push. I was very surprised he was booked to lose to Ken Kennedy at Cyber Sunday. However, I still believe he is going to receive what I call 'The Wrestlemania Main Event Push.' This is a push for a mid-card wrestler that begins around Survivor Series, proceeds with a Royal Rumble win, and ends with a victory at Wrestlemania for the title. Batista received this push. Steve Austin received this push. Shawn Michaels received this push. I am certain Jeff Hardy is going to main event Wrestlemania 24.
Maybe Vince McMahon's original plan was a John Cena/Triple H rematch... yawn... or something along those lines. The WWE needs a fresh main-event guy and Jeff Hardy is that guy. He has been getting bigger pops that Shawn Michaels on recent Raw episodes and he is the most exciting in-ring performer on the roster. Granted, his microphone skills are non-existent, but his ability in the ring is what fans identify with and I think in today's wrestling environment, that's a beautiful thing. He is centimeters away from main-event ability. All he needs is a thoughtful push by Vince and the other powers-that-be.
I think the video package of Jeff Hardy highlights set to a rocking-yet-mellow dramatic song was a little test of the crowd. The cameras weren't rolling. I think the WWE was seeing just how popular Jeff Hardy is in the difficult wrestling environment of Long Island.
I guess we'll see.
Also, concerning the Y2Joke on us. The new date for the second-coming is November 19th. save_us.x29 was the next clue. On October 29th, a new video proclaimed 'Launch - 19.' November 19th is the Raw after the Survivor Series. I guess he's showing up there. I hope so for Vince's sake, because I'm beginning to really not care.
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